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  • You should:

    * [**check your minimum server requirements**](
    * **empty your browser cache + cookies**
    * **quit and relaunch you browser / try other browsers**
    * try to think of **any customizations/changes** made on your web site / Jigoshop that could cause you issues in Jigoshop work.

    If nothing above mentioned helps and in order to solve your issue(s), it is necessary to try to isolate the possible cause(s) of your problem(s) – such as your customized Theme, non-compatible WordPress plugins, your host, Jigoshop settings or something else. Therefore, you must fully perform [**Jigoshop Simple user testing**]( and we strongly advice you to create [**Testing environment**]( before starting these testing activities. After finishing Simple User testing activities, post here your:

    1. **confirmations** that (before you started Simple User testing procedure) you:
    – [**checked your minimum server requirements**](
    – **emptied your browser cache + cookies**
    – **quit and relaunched you browser / tried other browsers**
    – **didn’t make any customizations/changes** on your web site / Jigoshop that could cause you issues in Jigoshop work
    2. **Simple User testing results**
    3. **System Info**
    4. **debug.log**

    **DISCLAIMER**: Without providing **all 4 above stated information details** it would be much harder (if not impossible in some cases) to help you to solve your Jigoshop issue. Also, Jigoshop can’t be held responsible for the possible negative results of the Simple User testing, especially if carried out in Production environment and not in Testing environment.

    Thread Starter ebiker4218


    Seems the <div class=”cart_totals_table”>

    is the one getting pushed across.

    I did all of the above, still it is out when in Firefox, tested on Internet Explorer…ok, Tablet…ok, Smaller Tablet…Ok.

    Another site suggests the following from Themeforest

    The Jigoshop Cart Totals and Shipping Calculator are squished up/hidden

    Go to Appearance > Editor in wordpress. Go to style.css, add these new styles to the bottom:
    .cart-collaterals .cart_totals {
    width: 325px;
    .cart-collaterals .shipping_calculator {
    width: 325px;

    I must be doing it wrong as that is not helping either at this time.
    Thank you for getting back to me i will keep trying and post back if i find a fix.


    Thread Starter ebiker4218


    I used firebug to trace it and it seems like the .cart_totals class is not working, below is a paste from Firebug.

    .cart-collaterals .cart_totals {
    float: right;
    width: 225px;
    text-align: right;

    .cart-collaterals .cart_totals {
    width: 325px; ///this line has a line thru it in firebug\\\\

    So i guess i need to undo my changes…to take out the duplication and edit the width . Will report back soon.

    Thread Starter ebiker4218


    In Firefox the <h2>Cart Totals</h2> displays inline with the Cart totals table.

    In Internet explorer and Android browser it displays above the Cart totals table….

    I guess that is what is throwing it out of wack.

    I cant seem to find where the css to be edited for fire fox is stored tho…

    Thread Starter ebiker4218


    …i think it was a problem between how Internet Explorer and FireFox interpret the Float command….

    The edit below seems to at least let the totals be seen…even if aligned wrong, i would rather see it aligned wrong then not be able to see the totals at all…

    For now i have just edited

    and taken out the float command.

    So before it read …
    .cart-collaterals .cart_totals{float:right;width:325px;text-align:left}

    It now reads…
    .cart-collaterals .cart_totals{width:325px;text-align:left}

    Aligning to the left now but at least it is visible…cart totals are pretty necessary i think…

    If there is a better way to get the totals visible in FF and IE can someone get back to me via this thread.

    Wicked nice piece of software by the way, i will be getting my friends to upgrade to the paid version …these free versions are invaluable to show people just what something can do…not sure if this is the place to post such a comment, jigoshop = awesome for users !


    Thx Tony, in the Jigoshop team name, for your kind words.:-)
    BTW, There isn’t upgrade to the Jigoshop “paid” version, except Jigoshop paid Extensions and Jigoshop Premium Support.



    Thanks for the heads up. The only thing you really want to change there is the H2 on .cart_totals, removing it’s float left and replacing with a text-align left. This is what it looks like in Firefox now:

    We’ll have this fixed for Jigoshop 1.3.2

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