• WordPress 3.2.1 in multisite (directories) mode and
    Buddypress 1.2.10 (the latest)
    I get this error after clicking on ‘connect to wordpress.com’

    Jetpack could not contact WordPress.com: register_http_request_failed.
    This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.
    Operation timed out after 15000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received

    Any ideas what that ‘something’ might be? Or perhaps what I can do to track down the problem. I do have sudo access to the whole server so I can figure out what Apache is up to.
    Thanks for any assistance.


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  • this is because jetpack is coded stupidly to half of max execution time which is usually 30 seconds. If you have access to your server you just change it higher to like 60 so it times out in 30 seconds. You can also try again at another time.

    Jetpack isn’t the best anyway and they are injecting quantserve cookies for tracking.

    Thread Starter markpea


    So I found the lines in jetpack.php :

    1458                 $timeout = (int) ini_get( 'max_execution_time' );
       1459                 if ( !$timeout )
       1460                         $timeout = 30;
       1461                 $timeout = intval( $timeout / 2 );

    But changing the $timeout to 60 did not affect the actual timeout used which stays at 15000 milliseconds.

    Thread Starter markpea


    So I found that the function ‘ini_get’ get it’s data from ‘php.ini’ so I set ‘max_execution_time’ there to 60 and behold, it doth connect!
    But now I’m getting:

    Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: site_inaccessible
    Error Details: The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site [IXR -32300].

    Which does not really surprise me since the firewall allows outgoing but not incoming http traffic. I’m not giving up with this one though.
    Two other questions:

    1. “Jetpack isn’t the best anyway” — I am really interested in the shortcode support for Flickr, Youtube etc. I have looked but I haven’t found anything as up to date or consistently supported.
    2. “they are injecting quantserve cookies for tracking” — any idea of exactly what is being tracked?
      And why are there no warnings of this when one activates the plugin? Should I be concerned?

    Thanks for your helpful comment usera at least it’s got me to the next stage.

    Plugin Contributor James Huff


    Please contact us directly via https://en.support.wordpress.com/contact/?jetpack=needs-service about this.

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