Bump. Was wondering the same thing, found this thread via a Google search.
On the main stats screen:
If you look under “Top Posts & Pages” you are shown how many hits each of the top 10 posts/pages have received, then “Other Posts” are all lumped together as one total.
If you click the headline for one of the listed posts/pages, you are taken to that post/page on your blog.
If you click “Other Posts” you would expect to see a breakdown of what those other posts were and how many hits each received, as you could with the original version of Stats. However, expectations are not met. Clicking “Other Posts” brings you to this page:
=year, MM
=month, DD
=day and XXXXXX
is a unique blog ID number.)
On this page, you get the same exact “top ten” list, and “Other Posts” at the bottom, still with that same grand total of all the hits garnered by all the Other Posts. If you click the link “Other Posts” you generally expect to see WHAT Other Posts got hits, and how many they received. But no, it’s just another page listing the same exact information seen on the first page.
But, if I click on “This Week” from the main stats page, or “7 Days” from the second page mentioned in this post, then I get a breakdown of EVERY post that received hits over the past week. If it can do this for posts in the past week, why not for “Today” and “Yesterday” anymore?
I did notice that clicking on weekly stats uses this URL:
Just change “Z” from 7 to 1, and you get your full breakdown of stats for the current date. But that’s what the “Other Posts” link should do in the first place; I shouldn’t have to dance around it by clicking something else and manually tinkering with the URL.