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  • Hi helloineedhelp,

    I apologize for my late response to your question. This is a great question and I will do my best to respond objectively ??

    There is no doubt that Google translation will slow down your site. The website is sending communication to Google servers, and they return a response to your website’s request for translated content, which then has to manipulate all of the content on your page, add HTML tags, change the display of the “translate” toolbar, etc. to produce the final translation. I see my job as plugin developer to connect you in the most efficient way possible. There is probably more I could do, and over time that will come as I’m always thinking how to make things better.

    Another thing is the themes now on the market – when the plugin is added and you are using a theme that likely has several scripts loading to produce the awesome website experience for your users, you will see your site slow down.

    I have found that winning the Page Speed game comes down to making the best use of plugins from the very start, which may or may not include using plugins such as GLT to produce the results you want. I’m having problem like this when I use the Facebook Like Box – the amount of scripts being loaded externally to produce the box are numerous, making things slow.

    I’m finding that refining your website images makes a HUGE impact on page speed, such as changing over all of your .png images to .jpg’s, and also making sure that you are not saving the data that get saved when exporting images from Photoshop. Even further, it’s important to make sure that each of your website images is the exact size that you want, and that the browser is not forcing them to be larger or smaller. A huge impact here – more than I ever knew.

    I also make use of hard-core Gzip compression, expires headers, and then use WP Super Cache and/or Autoptimize to help bring things together. I actually try and NOT use as many plugins as possible. Plugins = slower websites. Period (for the most part).

    Those are some basic things ??

    I think plugin developers can always push to be better/faster. Let me know if you would like me to take a look at your site and see if we can’t put our heads together and make page speed better. I will help and do my best.

    Thanks for using the plugin! Rob Myrick

    Hey Rob M., thanks for the excellent breakdown on site loading snafus and how to avoid them! One of our site’s biggest loading issue is the Google Translator, and I was searching for a way to speed up that process when I found this post. As timely as ever! ??

    Still not sure what the best way to beat it is. Maybe a 3rd Party translation plugin? Each translator will still need to parse the content using a remote service in the same way, wouldn’t it?

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