Hi there,
Thank you for taking the time to voice your concerns. We understand and share your frustration.
I’d like to shed some light on the situation:
We’ve been actively tracking the issues reported here, on GitHub, in other forums, and together with our partners at PayPal.
Our team has delved deep into every “header overflow” error report, and based on our research and discussions with PayPal, we’ve identified that this issue stems from an ongoing service disruption at PayPal. This disruption is broader than the PayPal Payments plugin and affects various integrations.
We acknowledge that for some, switching plugins might seem to alleviate the problem. However, this likely aligns with the random nature of the PayPal disruption. While we aim for flawless performance, there are moments when external challenges arise, as is the case with the current PayPal service disruption.
For updates and clarifications regarding this disruption, we recommend reaching out to the PayPal Merchant Technical Support. The team can provide timely information on the status of this issue.
Thank you for bearing with us during this time. We’re dedicated to keeping our community well-informed and ensuring the consistent performance of the PayPal Payments plugin.
Kind regards,