Plugin is completely deactivating plugins
I installed the latest version of the plugin on Tuesday night. There are several plugins that I had selectively deactivated using Freesoul in certain places on our site.
After upgrading Freesoul, all of these plugins were completely deactivated (as displayed on the plugins page) and when I try to reactivate them from the plugins page, they almost immediately deactivate again.
I tried deactivating Freesoul and reactivated all the other plugins successfully. However, if I reactivate Freesoul again, the other plugins deactivate again.
This is a serious bug that can break a website.
Hi @nbh707
can you please roll back to
If you have WP > 5.7.0:
– Download the zip
– From the page Plugins => Add new => Upload Plugin. Then confirm you want the previous version
– Disable Freesoul Deactivate Plugins (without deleting it), reactivate it again.Then check if you still have the same series issue.
If you don’t have the issue anymore we will confirm it’s due to the new version (I’m still not completely sure, because theoretically nothing changed regarding the way FDP disable the plugins).
If we confirm works, and doesn’t work, I will ask you for the list of your plugins.
In this last case, please, go to Freesoul Deacctivate Plugins => Tools => Favorite Pluugins => Export.I suspect one of your plugins changes the core option “active_plugins”, and if it does it after FDP filters that option, WordPress saves the wrong set of globally active plugins.
No plugin should save that option, only the core should do it, but the described issue let me think this is the case.Please, let me know what you find out with If it works, keep it active until we don’t completely understand the issue.
Hi Jose-Thanks for the quick reply. We are thinking the same way because I already rolled back the version to and the problem is not occurring with that version.
The plugins that I had disabled on some pages on our site that it affected are as follows:
Active Campaign
Add to Any Share Buttons
Contact Form 7
Lazy Load for VideosThere were a few others but they are paid plugins you wouldn’t be able to test with.
Thanks to you @nbh707 for the information.
The conflict is not necessarily caused by one of the deactivated plugins.
FDP (Freesoul Deactivate Plugins) writes a file that runs before any other plugin. Inside that file, it filters the core option “active_plugins” that stores the set of active plugins. But it doesn’t save that option, it only filters the output of that option according to the settings. No plugin should save that option. This is something that only the core should do when you globally activate or deactivate a plugin in the plugins page.
If a plugin saves that option after FDP filters the active plugins, it saves the output of FDP, which depends on the page you are visiting and the settings related to that page.
When you visit a page where Active Campaign, Add to Any Share Buttons, Contact Form 7, Lazy Load for Videos are disabled by FDP, then the plugin that is conflicting with FDP updates the option of the core, and then those plugins are globally disabled.
This is something no plugin should do, but there are some plugins that do it.
FDP has some code to prevent this kind of issue. Probably in the new version for some reason this code is not working right.Looking at the differences between and, it’s not so easy to see why the code to prevent this kind of issue is not working right.
So, I would need more information.Do you maybe have a staging environment? The approach that will lead us to the solution depends a lot on whether you have a testing environment.
If you have a staging environment I will ask you to try a beta version that I will provide you. In another case, it would be better if I can reproduce the same problem on my testing installation and keep active that is now working on your website. It would be not feasible to try a beta version on a live site. You would risk having the same issue.If you don’t have a staging environment, I would need the entire list of plugins taken from FDP => Tools => Favorite Plugins => Export. No matter if some of them are PRO versions. Maybe the conflict is caused by a free plugin or a PRO plugin that I already have.
If for you it’s not a problem everybody knows the list of your plugins, you can post it here, in another case you can write me using the contact form at
I have a staging environment. Please share the file and I can test it by making a duplicate of my live site and upgrading again.
The problem was not that FDP was running on all pages, but the fact was that after it was upgraded, the other plugins were showing up as disabled on the plugins page (because they seem to have been disabled). In most cases, I was able to re-enable those plugins, but as soon as I left the plugins page and came back, they were disabled again.
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
Thank you @nbh707. Yes, the issue is clear to me.
This issue can only happen if you visit a page where FDP disables some plugins, and a third plugin saves the core option that stores the set of active plugins.
There is no other possible cause for this issue that can be related to FDP.The core option that stores the set of globally active plugins is the same option that FDP filters to selectively disable plugins on specific pages.
WordPress first fetches from the database the plugins that are enabled looking at the option “active_plugins”, then FDP filters that option before WordPress calls those plugins. Said in a different way, WordPress knows from the database which plugins should call, but FDP says to WordPress: “no, don’t call all those plugins, call only this and that plugin” (it filters the set of active plugins, it filters the output of the option active_plugins).
If after that filter a third plugin saves the option active_plugins, it saves the output given by FDP. Because the same option is used by WordPress to know the globally active plugins, then you have the issue you experienced on your website.
When you activate/deactivate a plugin in the page of plugins, WordPress saves the set of active plugins in the database in the option “active_plugins”. But it also read the same option to know which plugins should be called.Imagine this scenario:
You have plugins 1,2,3,4,5 that are globally active (active in the page of plugins). This set of plugins is saved in the option “active_plugins”.FDP disable specific plugins filtering the output of that option, without never saving it, but if a third plugin saves it, and FDP is not able to take away its filer before the saving, then you have this issue.
For example, let’s suppose on the homepage, FDP disables plugins 1,3,4. When you visit the homepage WordPress wants to call plugins 1,2,3,4,5 and FDP says “no, call only 1,3,4”. Then a third plugin saves 1,3,4 in the option “active_plugins” and those plugins are disabled globally.I hope it’s clearer. In any case, I will prepare a beta version that you can test on your staging environment.
I see what you are saying, but it was also occurring without me ever visiting a page on the front end (although in theory a site visitor could have done so). However, I repeated this multiple times and got the same results. We have a plugin called CM Answers Pro (it’s a paid plugin). We are disabling it on standard posts as it was causing a conflict. However, when I would reactivate the plugin, it would redirect me to the plugin setting page. Then I would immediately go back to the plugins page, and find things deactivated gain. That this happened multiple times makes me wonder whether something else is going on, because I was moving around so quickly the chances of someone browsing the front end every time to trigger what you describe seems unlikely.
I’ll wait for your fix and if that doesn’t solve the problem, I can also review what other plugins I may have updated around the same time to see if the issue could be coming from any of them.
Hi @nbh707
thank you very much for this information.
This issue may happen if you have selectly disabled plugins in the backend, or if a page of the frontend is visited by a third plugin with a remote request without you know it, or if someone else visited a page in the frontend, including robots.In any case, from what you say, my suspects are on CM Answers PRO.
In the free version, I see the file cm-answers/package/cninds-free.php.
In that file, the plugin redirects to the settings page and I also see that it calls the option active_plugins. I suspect in the PRO version it checks if the free version is active, and if it isn’t probably it writes in the option active_plugin.
I suppose the PRO version has a similar file, maybe it calls cminds-pro.php or something similar. If you find that file it would be a big help to understand what is going on. In the case you find it, you can share the file with you want to send the link privately, you can use the contact form at If you use the contact form write only the link to wetrasfer, because I don’t think it can handle a very long message that includes all the code of that file.
Hi @nbh707
please, try the beta version and let me know if you still have the same problem.
You can download it from this link:
If you have WP > 5.7.0, to update the zip go to the page of Plugins => Add New => Upload Plugins => Confirm you want version
Then deactivate Freesoul Deactivate Plugins (without deleting it) and reactivate it again.If you update it via FTP, remember to deactivate FDP and reactivate it again. This is important to update the mu-plugin written in wp-content/mu-plugins.
Hi @nbh707
did you have time to test the beta version
Hi @nbh707
I will close this thread for inactivity.
I suggest try and if you still have issues don’t hesitate to open a new thread.Hi Jose-Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. This problem came back with whatever version of your plugin was released about a week ago. This time it affected the plugin Publish Press Authors Pro.
Hi @nbh707
don’t worry, it’s important to solve this issue.
First of all, can you please confirm that in Plugins => Must-Use you see version
When you update FDP it should update the mu-plugin that it writes in wp-content/mu-plugins.
If that file is not updated, on the frontend you still have the old version.
I don’t think so, but let’s be sure you have the last version.After checking that, please edit the file wp-confing.php and add this line before the comment /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */.
Let me know if that line in wp-config.php solves the issue.
If the issue is not solved, I would need to check a file of CM Answers PROO.
The free version has the file cm-answers/package/cninds-free.php.
I suppose the PRO version has a similar file that will probably look like
would it be possible to provide me that file?
You can use If you want to share the link privately you can use the contact form at
Hi @nbh707
I will close this thread for inactivity. If you still need help don’t hesitate to open a new thread.
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
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