• having a strange problem on ALL of my blogs using Intense Debate.. When I activate Intense Debate and set it up, it works fine in all browsers except Internet Explorer. Now, the issue isn’t a css or display problem, but it actually causes internet explorer to put up an error message and then redirect visitors to an IE error page.

    The error is,

    “Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site https://serial-box.net . Operation Aborted”.

    It then redirects away from my site and puts a standard IE error page. I know this is Intense Debate causing it because I did a process of elimination and removed all plugins, activating them back one at a time. As soon as I activate Intense Debate, the problem happens, as soon as I deactivate it, the problem goes away. This is happening on 3 separate blogs of mine.

    I saw somewhere to add
    defer="defer" to my javascript code and that it is related to having javascript INSIDE the <body> tag. That seems a little odd to me since Ive never had this problem before until today. Or at least I never noticed it until today since I dont use IE. Either way, I edited the intensedebate.php file for the plugin and found 3 instances of javascript that are part of the widgets for recent/top/most comments

    "<script defer='defer' type='text/javascript' src='https://www.intensedebate.com/widgets/acctComment/" . get_option( "id_blogID" ) . "/$count'></script>";

    Adding the defer=’defer’ fixed it. Why all of a sudden??

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