• Ever since I installed Intensedebate my dashboard will show a quantity of Spams. When I click to view them, there is nothing there. I have uninstalled Intense debate and the issue is no longer there. Any thought or suggestions?

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  • I have installed the newer version of Intense Debate but not WordPress 2.9.2 and have been experiencing the same problem since the 4th August, any reason for this to happen?

    Same issue here.

    WordPress v. 3.0.1
    IntenseDebate plugin v. 2.9

    I don’t have to uninstall the plugin to see the spam. I only have to deactivate it. So far, every comment I have seen by doing this was truly spam and not a real comment. It would be nice to be able to review them though without having to deactivate the IntenseDebate plugin.

    Moderator James Huff


    Can you see them in the comment moderation page for your blog at intensedebate.com?



    I have same issue, i have 18 spam comments of my WP Dashboard and when i click them and it show nothing on Edit Comments page of WP.

    On moderation page of Intense Debate there is nothing on spam folder.

    WP version 3.0.5
    Intense Debate version 2.9



    still happening to me, even if updated WP to latest versione, 3.1

    And not only with spam comments but also with some comments awaiting moderation.

    So bad! Any news about?



    Looks to be a known issue according to this thread.

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