• Hi I using Blue Host for my blog.

    Today I was uptating a plugin and poof- the blog gone!
    I could not log in any more.

    Blue Host helped me to get in again but every plugins is gone!
    and now my new plugins fails to be installed.

    I have tried this: In File Manager on my cPanel at BH
    Open the wp-content folder,
    Rename the “plugins” folder to “plugins_old”.
    Create new empty folder called “plugins”.
    This will disable all the WordPress plugins.
    Log into WordPress and verify site is working.
    Enable plug-ins one at a time to see which one was causing the issues.

    Still no Plugins. I have tried to download the new Plugins in every way possible.

    Is there anyone that can try to help me out please?

    Oyvind for https://www.vargas12.com

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