You have to do a few things to make this work…
Lets start with the wpinstagram.php file:
Step 1: Comment out or delete the following (This is the cycle effect javascript and the one that uses absolute positioning on the list item elements)…
wp_enqueue_script("jquery.cycle", $this->wpinstagram_path."js/jquery.cycle.lite-1.5.min.js", Array('jquery'), null);
Step 2: Change this…
echo '<ul class="'.$cls .'" style="width: '.$imagesize.'px; height: '.$imagesize.'px;">';
To This (This removes the sizing from the element and allows to go full width and height…
echo '<ul class="'.$cls .'">';
Step 3: Comment out or remove this function (It is not needed since we are removing the cycle effect…
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$("#<?php echo $this->id; ?> ul").cycle({fx: "fade", timeout: <?php echo $cycletimeout; ?>});
Now on to the wpinstagram.css file:
Replace the ul.wpinstagram li class with the following. (Tweak as needed for your application.)
ul.wpinstagram li{
width: 75px;
height: 75px;
float: left;
clear: right;
padding: 5px !important;
That should do it. Now the images should display in a grid rather than a single image with the fade in/out effect.