• I’ve been wondering why my user profile’s website, location and email address are showing up all over the place since I updated this plugin.

    Closer inspection reveals that WPCR seems to be injecting vCard markup into every call of the_content().

    Here’s the offending markup that’s appearing where it shouldn’t be:

    <div id="wpcr_respond_1"><div id="wpcr_hcard_h" class="vcard"><a class="url fn org" href="https://yyyyy.loc/">Yyyyy</a><br><span class="adr"><span class="country-name">USA</span>&nbsp;</span><a class="email" href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></div></div>

    This includes, worryingly, order emails sent to customers via WooCommerce!

    Please could you look into this?


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  • Campbell McArthur


    This is my main beef with this plugin is that, not only does this plugin inject java script and it’s own style sheet on every single Page /Post but even when you disable the VCARD from showing on every page it STILL continues to insert the HTML Below regardless!

    <div id=”wpcr_respond_1″></div> </div>

    So, not only do we have additional calls to Java Script and CSS style sheets that we DO NOT need on every single page but we also have to incur an additional penalty stroke with added USELESS HTML Markup that has no rhyme or reason to be there!

    Campbell McArthur


    Yeah and seriously…..where the hell are the developers of this plugin?

    I wrote the developer an email explaining this situation over a month and a half ago and have yet to receive a reply back or even the decency of a hello thank you for reporting the issue…..WTF???



    I have the same issue. https://www.aureo.in . The home page has no text. I dont want any text to be shown, just background images. But because of the following content the home page text container loads.

    <div id=”wpcr_respond_1″><div id=”wpcr_hcard_h” class=”vcard”>Aureo
    <span class=”adr”><span class=”country-name”>USA</span> </span>aash%%%%%il.com</div></div>



    same issue.

    I’m having the same issue. Can someone PLEASE help us?

    Same here, the Plugin adds a “USA” to the city which is completely wrong, even ridiculous.

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