• Great plug in! I come from the print-pub world, and we used callouts, sidebars, etc. in every article. It’s been frustrating trying to do the same in WordPress with my newb skills.

    Two questions: First, is there a way to position the callout on the right instead of the left? How about the center?

    Second, like Arlo noted earlier, it appears using hard-returns and soft-returns in the body text breaks the plugin–correct? If so, is there a fix or workaround for that?


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  • I just updated the plugin to address the issue w/ line breaks in the callout body. These were causing the regex to not match properly, so I changed the regex.

    The positioning of the callout can be changed by updating the style in the “insert callout” settings page. The default style uses “float:left” in the style for the callout frame – you can play with this to change how callouts are positioned in your application.

    I’ve been asked about doing something to make style (including positioning) flexible enough to let callouts use one of several styles (ie, callout-style-1, callout-style-2, etc.). I’d consider doing this, provided that (1) I can figure out how to do this effectively, and (2) it doesn’t make the plugin more difficult for “entry level” publishers.

    Thread Starter jedhenson


    Awesome, thanks!

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