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  • Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Agreed, it should not do that, but apparently the xmlrpc files have different headers than other xml files. Can you provide a link to the xmlrpc file in question?

    This happens after completing an image upload.
    The XMLRPC response to a ngg.uploadImage method call contains a chunk of HTML:

    <div id=”bulk-forms”><p>Die Thumbnails deiner neuen Bilder wurden nicht optimiert.</p>
    <form id=”thumb-optimize” method=”post” action=”admin.php?page=ewww-ngg-thumb-bulk”>
    <input type=”hidden” id=”ewww_wpnonce” name=”ewww_wpnonce” value=”101f5f6a56″ /><input type=”hidden” name=”_wp_http_referer” value=”/xmlrpc.php” /> <input type=”hidden” name=”ewww_attachments” value=”a:1:{i:0;i:891;}”>
    <input type=”submit” class=”button-secondary action” value=….

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Ah, that is so that you can optimize the thumbs after uploading images in legacy versions of nextgen. Is it causing some sort of problem?

    Thread Starter woltis


    Yes, after the image-upload directly from Lightroom, EWWW tries to optimize the thumbnails. In this case the attached message says, that there was nothing to optimize and there is the (German) message “Die Thumbnails deiner neuen Bilder wurden nicht optimiert.” (thumbnails of your new pictures where not optimized)

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Are you using Nextcellent, or the original NextGEN 1.x?

    Thread Starter woltis


    I’m using version 1.9.26 of NextCellent.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    I think what I’ll end up doing is creating a filter to override the output, and then I can whip up a quick sample plugin to suppress the output.

    I don’t want to entirely disable that output, and I don’t like the idea of adding yet another option for what seems to be a very small percentage of users encountering the problem (in 2+ years no one has ever complained about it).

    I’ll let you know when I’ve got something worked up for testing.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Ok, you can download the dev version from here:

    And then add this into a new file in the wp-content/plugins/ folder, and activate the ‘plugin’:

    Plugin Name: EWWW NGG Thumb Output Filter
    Version: .1
    add_filter( 'ewww_ngg_new_thumbs', 'suppress_xmlrpc_output' );
    function suppress_xmlrpc_output( $output ) {
            return '';

    You can change the Plugin Name if you like, or add the code into the functions.php for your theme, or anywhere else if you wish, but doing it as a separate plugin is probably the cleanest.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Oops, forgot to post the link last time. Turns out that was a good thing, since it wasn’t quite fixed. I found the last remaining glitch, tested it, and pushed it to the dev branch here:

    As before, you’ll need the ‘EWWW NGG Thumb Output Filter’ plugin to make this work.

    Thread Starter woltis


    Sorry for me being so quiet.

    I was able to test this now and put the code in my functions.php.

    The Lightroom-upload works great now without any upload errors and with every info (titel, description) inserted correctly in the NextCellent-Gallery.

    Thank you for fixing this!

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