• Don J


    Nothing of the Inbound-writer shows up on the post.

    As a Premium user of the service I am disappointed and disappointed again that service is yet to respond to the ticket….

    Though the idea behind Inbound-writer is good, the implementation is weaker: service, technical problems (site freezes and plugin that does not work).


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  • iw-jay


    Sorry for the delay Don. We’re looking into the issues with the WP beta. You’ll be hearing from us through our trouble ticket system shortly so that we can collect the information needed to resolve this for you.

    [email protected]


    It turns out Don’s issues were due to a misbehaving theme pack developed by Themify

    We traced the issue to a themify.me suco theme. Rather than using the default Jquery that ships with WP, they installed their own version over top of everybody else’s, regardless of the consequences (they unload-and load 3 versions of query during run-time to make it work). We use the WP standard and extend it – so our loads, which rely on standard WP Jquery, never finish executing as the rogue Themify Jquery has eliminated our functionality. We got the following message back from their support, it’s pretty obvious this has been causing havoc out there :

    “We are working on new version of themes in which we are using wordpress wp enqueue script to load scripts properly to prevent conflict with other plugins. We will release it very soon and it will probably resolve all script conflict issues with all other plugins.”

    They have since updated and now this issue, as well as the issues they created with many other plug-ins, are fixed.

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