• This plugin adds an “Insert Image” button to the top right corner of the edit screen which opens an image browser to select from all previously uploaded images and add the appropriate code to the post. If you want, you can consider it a sort of mini-gallery to select the images from.
    Current features include atomagical recognization of thumbnails, sorting images by name or by time of last modification for easy selection and many more. Apart from that, the new version now supports displaying images on multiple pages in a gallery-like style, thus you can handle large(r) amounts of images without problems.
    You can download the plugin here.

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  • I get the popup window with a list of my images with name, dimension, size.
    But between the name and the button, where the thumb should appear, there is nothing.
    If I pick an image, I get the correct code.
    Hm… but I’ve a difference between the “destination directory” and the “URI of this directory”. Could this be the reason?

    I used the Movable Type plugin that this is loosely based on back when I was using MT 2.64. It had the option to pop up the window in a javascript-created popup where the window had no browser menus or buttons and was the exact size of the image in the popup. Is it possible to add this to the selections on the insert screen? I have modified the script so it opens in a new window via the target="_blank" attribute, but haven’t had the time to sit down and really examine the code to make it XHTML Strict compliant.

    Great stuff, cheers for the plugin
    All that would be better for me would be an align option.
    Thanks again

    Does anyone know how I can get thumbnails to work if my server just has GD library 1.x?

    Thread Starter Zarniwoop


    You can generate them on your own with an external program. If you have an image called e.g. “image.png” resize it with your favorite image editing tool (GIMP, Photoshop,…) , call it “thumb-image.png” and upload in WP.
    The other option is to change some of the WP core code. The needed changes are explained in this post. Hope it helps.

    I get the following error that the plugin can’t find my image directory. Note that everything else in WordPress is functioning properly.
    Warning: opendir(/home/your/site/wordpress/images): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/www/blog/wp-admin/image-browser.php on line 169
    Could no open upload directory ??
    Sorry, I can’t find any files in your upload directory ??

    Regarding the above error, here was the problem. You may want to add this tidbit to your installation instructions.
    On the Options / Miscellaneous administrative menu, a destination directory for file uploads must be specified, *EVEN IF* you are not allowing file uploads for your blog and you have this function disabled.

    Hello everybody,
    I have made some improvements of Image Browser (subdirectory browsing, much faster adding of images…) and it can be downloaded from here: IImage Browser v1.0

    Good job fred!

    Hi everyone..
    This pluggin was working fine till I moved all my website on an other server. I had to move the database and everything..
    There is no problem at all except that I can’t do thumbnails now, like I used to do (I have checked the path and the chmod..). When I go on insert image I can see my images but when I click on “create thumbnail” it closes and it goes back to the menu principle of wordpress. I’m a bit confused what’s the problem? Does anyone know what I could do to sort this out? thanks..

    The new server probably doesn’t have GD or ImageMagik installed (it’s what’s used to make the thumbnails).

    Thanks.. so i checked what was installed on the serveur, I have gd :

    ?· gd_info
    ?· imagearc
    ?· imageellipse
    ?· imagechar
    ?· imagecharup
    ?· imagecolorat
    ?· imagecolorallocate
    ?· imagepalettecopy
    ?· imagecreatefromstring
    ?· imagecolorclosest
    ?· imagecolorclosesthwb
    ?· imagecolordeallocate
    ?· imagecolorresolve
    ?· imagecolorexact
    ?· imagecolorset
    ?· imagecolortransparent
    ?· imagecolorstotal
    ?· imagecolorsforindex
    ?· imagecopy
    ?· imagecopymerge
    ?· imagecopymergegray
    ?· imagecopyresized
    ?· imagecreate
    ?· imagecreatetruecolor
    ?· imageistruecolor
    ?· imagetruecolortopalette
    ?· imagesetthickness
    ?· imagefilledarc
    ?· imagefilledellipse
    ?· imagealphablending
    ?· imagesavealpha
    ?· imagecolorallocatealpha
    ?· imagecolorresolvealpha
    ?· imagecolorclosestalpha
    ?· imagecolorexactalpha
    ?· imagecopyresampled
    ?· imagesettile
    ?· imagesetbrush
    ?· imagesetstyle
    ?· imagecreatefrompng
    ?· imagecreatefromgif
    ?· imagecreatefromjpeg
    ?· imagecreatefromwbmp
    ?· imagecreatefromgd
    ?· imagecreatefromgd2
    ?· imagecreatefromgd2part
    ?· imagepng
    ?· imagegif
    ?· imagejpeg
    ?· imagewbmp
    ?· imagegd
    ?· imagegd2
    ?· imagedestroy
    ?· imagegammacorrect
    ?· imagefill
    ?· imagefilledpolygon
    ?· imagefilledrectangle
    ?· imagefilltoborder
    ?· imagefontwidth
    ?· imagefontheight
    ?· imageinterlace
    ?· imageline
    ?· imageloadfont
    ?· imagepolygon
    ?· imagerectangle
    ?· imagesetpixel
    ?· imagestring
    ?· imagestringup
    ?· imagesx
    ?· imagesy
    ?· imagedashedline
    ?· imagettfbbox
    ?· imagettftext
    ?· imageftbbox
    ?· imagefttext
    ?· imagetypes
    ?· jpeg2wbmp
    ?· png2wbmp
    ?· image2wbmp
    But I don’t see anywhere something about ImageMagik..

    Thanks for the answer! Do you know an other pluggin to create thumbnails that could work in my case?

    I tried to download stuff for WordPress (including the Image Browser), and nothing is happening. A window pops up showing a folder in it and nothing changed in WordPress.

    Yep, I get “No input file specified.” in a popup window after clicking on the link. ??????

    I’m having trouble installing this plugin as well. Can anyone give a step-by-step guide to installing it? I feel like I’ve tried everything. Thanks.

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