Thanks.. so i checked what was installed on the serveur, I have gd :
?· gd_info
?· imagearc
?· imageellipse
?· imagechar
?· imagecharup
?· imagecolorat
?· imagecolorallocate
?· imagepalettecopy
?· imagecreatefromstring
?· imagecolorclosest
?· imagecolorclosesthwb
?· imagecolordeallocate
?· imagecolorresolve
?· imagecolorexact
?· imagecolorset
?· imagecolortransparent
?· imagecolorstotal
?· imagecolorsforindex
?· imagecopy
?· imagecopymerge
?· imagecopymergegray
?· imagecopyresized
?· imagecreate
?· imagecreatetruecolor
?· imageistruecolor
?· imagetruecolortopalette
?· imagesetthickness
?· imagefilledarc
?· imagefilledellipse
?· imagealphablending
?· imagesavealpha
?· imagecolorallocatealpha
?· imagecolorresolvealpha
?· imagecolorclosestalpha
?· imagecolorexactalpha
?· imagecopyresampled
?· imagesettile
?· imagesetbrush
?· imagesetstyle
?· imagecreatefrompng
?· imagecreatefromgif
?· imagecreatefromjpeg
?· imagecreatefromwbmp
?· imagecreatefromgd
?· imagecreatefromgd2
?· imagecreatefromgd2part
?· imagepng
?· imagegif
?· imagejpeg
?· imagewbmp
?· imagegd
?· imagegd2
?· imagedestroy
?· imagegammacorrect
?· imagefill
?· imagefilledpolygon
?· imagefilledrectangle
?· imagefilltoborder
?· imagefontwidth
?· imagefontheight
?· imageinterlace
?· imageline
?· imageloadfont
?· imagepolygon
?· imagerectangle
?· imagesetpixel
?· imagestring
?· imagestringup
?· imagesx
?· imagesy
?· imagedashedline
?· imagettfbbox
?· imagettftext
?· imageftbbox
?· imagefttext
?· imagetypes
?· jpeg2wbmp
?· png2wbmp
?· image2wbmp
But I don’t see anywhere something about ImageMagik..
Thanks for the answer! Do you know an other pluggin to create thumbnails that could work in my case?