Ok, here goes:
Database lists
You open the dashboard, selects ?database lists? from the menu, and now you come to a page where you can select to create, edit or add to a database. You choose create, and you are being redirected to another page, asking you what the database should be called, and what rows the database should have, and of which type.
You create the database, call it ?Employees?, selects to create 4 rows, ?Name?, ?Position?, ?Phonenumber? and ?Picture?. Now you are forwarded to the Add-page, and you easily can Add several people to the ?Employees? database.
Now you make a templatefile, defines how it all should be shown in the plugin-config and by template tags (Posts per page, sort by, search etc.).
Furthermore we can add capabilites of importing data from commaseperated textfiles, live from apps etc ..
With a plugin like this, you can make everything from product lists, adress books, to recipies etc.