My bad! It was conflicting with another plugin that used a same value. I am trying to remember this from memory, but the field name was along the lines of myPageMenu or near that.
I was actually looking more for an audio player that can do MP3s in iPhone/iPad as well as other OS combos. This seems to be more of a playlist/album plugin.
I was looking for a player that you just toss an MP3 link into a shortcode to activate, perhaps with a track title specified.
I’ve been looking for days now and it strikes me as very strange that there’s not a simple MP3 shortcode audio player out there that isn’t only based in Flash (and therefore doesn’t work on iPads/iPhones). Music/audio is a pretty basic part of the Internet and WordPress has so many users. But there’s appears to be no good simple player out there that bridges all smartphones as well as computers.