• Hi, First of all thank you so much for this plugin, it is exactly what I was looking for. I am having a problem with the consistency of the header, if I disable and then enable it will work for a little while in ALL browsers and then it disappears and the menu bar becomes a simple list of links. When I run the page in firefox I get this error:

    “a is null” coming from this line:

    1223||a.status===0}catch(b){}return false},httpNotModified:function(a,b){var d=a.getResponseHeader(“Last-Modified”),f=a.getResponseHeader(“Etag”);if(d)c.lastModified[b]=d;if(f)c.etag[b]=f;return a.status===304||a.status===0},httpData:function(a,b,d){var f=a.getResponseHeader(“content-type”)||””,e=b===”xml”||!b&&f.indexOf(“xml”)>=0;a=e?a.responseXML:a.responseText;e&&a.documentElement.nodeName===”parsererror”&&c.error(“parsererror”);if(d&&d.dataFilter)a=d.dataFilter(a,b);if(typeof a===”string”)if(b===

    Hopefully you can help because I really like this plugin and would like to continue using it. Thanks in advance!

    Website: https://www.camplawroweld.com/home/
    Browsers: Firefox, IE9, Chrome
    Wordpress: 3.3



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