Plugin hanging after trying to scroll through pages
Hi there – this is causing me a huge issue so anyone who has fixed this would be really helping me if they can advise what to do.
I have got two errors that I can’t fix. They are causing the calendar to hang when i go through the second pagination. first is fine for me but not people with slower connections.
These are the errors – [Tue Apr 01 12:23:45 2014] [error] [client xxx] PHP Warning: array_combine(): Both parameters should have at least 1 element in /home/sites/ 1ec-settings.php on line [Tue Apr 01 12:23:45 2014] [error] [client xxx] PHP Warning: array_diff(): Argument #1 is not an array in /home/sites/ on line 145
This is the code they refer to – I have has advice on the timely site which didn’t help and now is not been picked up again, maybe it’s been lost by the contributor or they can’t help me further. I have followed all the steps on the forum that should fix any errors in the calender.
public function get_default_terms( $type = 'all' ) { $types = array( 'all' => true, 'tags' => 'default_tags', 'cats' => 'default_categories', ); if ( ! isset( $types[$type] ) ) { return false; } $terms = array(); if ( true === $types[$type] ) { $terms = array_merge( $this->default_tags, $this->default_categories ); } else { $terms = array_combine( $this->{$types[$type]}, $this->{$types[$type]} ); } return array_combine( $terms, $terms ); ** THIS IS LINE 902 ** } In the other file this is line 145 if ( count( $terms ) > 0 ) { global $ai1ec_settings; $default_terms = $ai1ec_settings->get_default_terms(); $diff_terms = array_diff( $default_terms, $terms ); **THIS IS LINE 145 *** if ( ! empty( $diff_terms ) ) { return false; } unset( $diff_terms, $default_terms ); }
Help greatly appreciated as the client needs the calender fixed for a big set of events.
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