• Resolved Jason Crouse


    I keep getting a bunch of warning from PHP when I activate this plugin…

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  • Thread Starter Jason Crouse



    your patch will be more than welcome, my friend ?? I’d love to have you on board for this project. I’m currently working on my other plugin, WP SlimStat, so I haven’t had time to release new updates for this one. Even if I already started working on bug fixes and new features.

    Happy Easter!

    PS: camu stands for “camuriusu” which is a word in Sicilian dialect that means “an annoying person” ??

    Plugin Author infogurke


    Hi annoying person ??

    i looked over the sources and created a patch:


    I assumed your coding standards, I hope I got them right.

    There are a few white-spaces at the end of some lines, i removed all of them. Maybe you can use the “remove trailing spaces” of your editor, i.e. shortcut in netbeans or AnyEdit plugin for eclipse based ides.


    Thread Starter Jason Crouse


    Hi Cucumber ??

    Thank you so much for sharing your coding standards. I must admit the code is not squeaky clean yet, I’ve been focusing more on functionality and optimization and less on readability and such. I will apply your patches as soon as I restart working on my plugin.


    Plugin Author infogurke



    I saw the thing with readability, especially the usage of the ternary operator ??

    I’m using zend framework’s coding standards:


    with 2 modifications:

    – class {
    – Variable Substitution $var = “foobar ” . $i . “\n”;


    Thread Starter Jason Crouse


    Yes, I’ve never liked the bracket on a new line. I know it could “impact” readability, but indentation is there for a reason, after all ??

    Your feedback is really appreciated, indeed. I was using a leaner version of those coding standards, but you make a good point, so I’ll definitely work on that.



    Your plugin does send out emails to spam addresses. Mark Jacquith’s and Gurken’s don’t.

    People, use the Subscribe to Comments Reloaded plugin at your own risk. Gurken’s is far more reliable for the moment.

    Alec Kinnear
    Creative Director

    Thread Starter Jason Crouse


    Dear “Creative Director”,

    you can say whatever you want, too bad you cannot SUPPORT with FACTS your empty statements and false claims. I just demonstrated that the two plugins work EXACTLY the same way. But again, I’m not forcing anyone to use the plugin I developed DONATING my FREE time to the community. Not like you that make money using things that OTHER PEOPLE have developed for free. Thank you for your nice and friendly contribution! Go back to Austria and stop bragging around!


    Hi Camu,

    You’d do better to learn to program and test safe compatible plugins before going on a promotion round.

    You promise non-existent compatibility with Gurken’s Subscribe to Comments and Mark Jacquith’s Subscribe to Comments (which are cross-compatible). That’s false advertising and very misleading.

    On top of that with your plugin, there’s a real danger of sending out hundreds of emails to dead spam addresses and getting one’s mail server banned.

    As I said, you’d do better to go back to learning to program safely first and stop hyping what is a ticking time bomb. If you don’t like other WordPress users to have fair warning, take more care in your programming next time.

    Your unfriendly posts knocking Gurken’s plugin set the tone of this discussion. Just one example at the top of this thread:

    I had made several attempts to get in touch with you, but it looks like you prefer to insult people and attack fellow developers instead of working together and delivering a better product to the community.

    Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

    Making the web work for you,

    Alec Kinnear
    Creative Director

    Thread Starter Jason Crouse


    Okay, thank you. Now can we move on and live our own lives in peace?


    PS: I will not reply to your messages anymore, Mister “Creative Director”. If you suck at managing your servers, it’s not my problem.

    This just in via email from camu.

    I know it’s you.

    You are registering fake accounts to lower the score of my plugin, I know it! You are such a loser, my friend. I really hope you go out of business.

    Are you out of your mind, camu?

    We have neither the time nor the inclination for such juvenile pranks.

    If you are thinking of using Subscribe to Comments Reloaded, think carefully.

    1. untested code put into general release which can result in sending out hundreds of spam from your mail server
    2. false compatibility claims
    3. unpleasant attacks on authors of yeoman plugins in the genre (Mark Jacquith and Gurken)
    4. even wilder accusations against anybody who does not like his plugin

    Is this the kind of plugin author whose plugin you really want running on your site?

    Caveat emptor.

    We’re considering doing an upgrade of Gurken as Martin seems inclined to abandon Gurken unfortunately. Our upgrade will be fully cross-compatible with original Gurken and Mark Jacquith’s original Subscribe to Comments so you will be able to switch between the plugins as you wish.

    Our focus will be on safety, compatibility and simplicity.

    Anyone interested in such an upgrade to Gurken, feel free to let us know. If there’s a lot of interest, we’ll accelerate development.

    Making the web work for you,

    Alec Kinnear
    Creative Director

    Thread Starter Jason Crouse


    I’m just replying to ask you if you think I should abandon the development of my plugin. If so, just say YES and I will post an announcement on the plugin’s page. Then we’ll see what the community that is using it will say. Ok?


    No, what I was originally suggesting is that anyone who is running commercial sites should continue to run Gurken Subscribe to Comments or Mark Jacquith’s original Subscribe to Comments as your plugin is not adequately tested and can jeopardise one’s mailing reputation by sending out update notifications to spam addresses.

    Now that I’ve seen you in action with:

    1. what appear to be multiple sock puppets: dieglo, Beatrice54 and carmela79
    2. wild accusations of vote rigging
    3. mean spirited propaganda campaigns against existing plugins (Gurken)
    4. nasty attacks on plugin users: “I really hope you go out of business.

    I would recommend that anyone who values his or her website stay well clear of your code and deal with a more responsible and less erratic developer.

    Alec Kinnear
    Creative Director

    Plugin Author infogurke


    Alex, please!

    Subscribe to comments Reloaded has a good code quality (I went through every line and fixed a few coding-standards related issues). It’s well-maintained and used by many people, so you can assume that StcR is tested!

    Subscribe to comments and my fork is old and a piece of crap. Look at the code that determinates whether the databases needs an update.

    Alex, please provide further details on the “spam sending” topic and don’t post anymore unconfirmed “we got blocked because your plugin is trash” stuff.

    I don’t think camu spirited a campaign against my fork!

    btw: At work we use dedicated mailservers to send emails from our webservers to prevent blacklisting / lower the effects. We’re using qmail’s qmqp protocol it’s a lot faster than smtp and reduces the execution time.

    Thread Starter Jason Crouse



    Thank you for your kind words. I must admit I was feeling a little discouraged by Alex’ words. I’ve always tried to be responsible and to support my plugin as much as I can. But not at this price! My spare time, that I DONATE for free to the community, can be spent on other stuff, if people think my work is crap ??


    Hi Martin Spütz,

    Thanks for your take and for your suggestions.

    Here’s your original take on camu:

    @camu: Please. Get a life or put your spam on slashdot/twitter.

    Here’s another take:

    camu, you might want to warn people that “imports Subscribe to Comments data” means “copies and then deletes”. I can’t switch back to Mark’s or Gurken’s plugins without restoring a database backup.

    The above together with the outbound spam, sock puppets and slanderous accusations of vote rigging means we have absolutely no wish to be involved with camu or Subscribe to Comments Reloaded. Could you please add us a contributor to Gurken Subscribe to Comments so we can update and clean it up next week?

    A little choice in the marketplace along with a subscribe to comments plugin which is 100% compatible with the existing plugins would be no bad thing.


    Making the web work for you,

    Alec Kinnear
    Creative Director

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