• Resolved tmuka


    Not sure why the “back to directory” link on entry details page is linking to the wrong page. The page instead of my “members” page, it is linking to my “contact” page which also has a gravity form on it with a form id=2 instead of 1. It’s probably a small bug to fix- i may dig around in the code to see what I can do.


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  • Yes, it removed the link if you leave it blank. I believe that shortcode just lets you remove or rename the link. But it doesn’t resolve the issue of the link actually not working.

    Anyone come up with a solution?

    Thread Starter tmuka


    FWIW, i’m still using a jQuery workaround to make the link point to the correct place. This code assumes your entries slug is “entry”, you’ll have to change this snippet if yours is different.

    <script type="text/javascript"><!--
    jQuery(function($) {
        // this hack fixes a bug in the gravity directory plugin that breaks the back to directory links
        $('.entryback a').attr('href',function(i,href){ return href.slice(0,href.indexOf("/entry")); });

    Hope this helps somebody else!

    @ tmuka. Where exactly do I add this snippet of code? In the meantime, I will try a few things. Thanks in advance.

    @bigshoeinc, put the code above in your page that has the directory shortcode. I went into HTML mode and posted the code at the top of my page. Thanks @tmuka for the solutions.

    You wouldn’t happen to have a work around for the problem with users editing their own entry?


    Thanks DJ for clearing that up for me. Perfect.

    I have the same problem with the back link. I use permalinks and the back link goes no where. ??

    @tmuka — Thanks, that basically worked for me. I just added that JS to my header.php file, and changed the “$” to “jQuery”, so it became

    	jQuery('.entryback a').attr('href',function(i,href){
    		return href.slice(0,href.indexOf("/entry"));
    Thread Starter tmuka


    glad that helped!

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