• Using Google XML sitemaps 3.1.5 and WP 2.8.4 I get a completely blank page when I click on the settings page. The same was happening with 3.1.4 and I just upgraded.

    Is there any easy solution, or should I delete and reinstall?


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  • My site either loads half way, or the header only with errors after i upgraded from 3.1.3 to 3.1.5. I had made a back up of my database before i upgraded, however, even with I uploaded my backup of my database the site was and is acting weird. Is there a solutiong to this? Please let me know. Thanks

    i”m having the same problem on 2 different blogs. One blog running 2.6 and one 2.8.1

    Has anyone figured this out?

    I’ve discovered that if i have WP-Super cache enabled, I am not able to access the Google Sitemap settings

    chipchick, rights.
    Without WP Super Cache XML Sitemap wokrs fine

    I’m using Google XML Sitemaps 3.1.6 with WP 2.8.3 and also only get a blank page instead of the configuration page. i’m not using WP Super Cache…

    does anybody have a solution for that?!

    Blank settings page spotted with wp-useronline active plugin.

    WP 2.8.4

    Blank settings page spotted with smart-youtube active plugin.

    Still WP 2.8.4
    Guys, what’s wrong with XML-sitemap plugin? I’m really disappointed.
    Афтар, давай починяй ужо…


    I tried several of your mentioned plugins and could not fond any problems. Do you have access to your web servers error logfile? Maybe we can find something there.

    Hey there, I have the same problem; an empty configuration page. Funny thing is, I have no other Plug-in running. I’m running WP 2.8.6.

    I examined the source code an found, that the output was interuppted as you can see:

    <div id="wpbody-content">
    <div id="screen-meta">
    	<div id="contextual-help-wrap" class="hidden">
    	<h5>Hilfe zu “XML-Sitemap Generator”</h5><div class="metabox-prefs"><a href="…">Plugin Homepage</a><br /><a href="…">Sitemap FAQ</a></div>
    <h5>Weitere Hilfe</h5><div class="metabox-prefs"><a href="…" target="_blank">Dokumentation</a> (<a href="…" target="_blank">en</a>)<br /><a href="…" target="_blank">WordPress Support-Foren</a> (<a href="…" target="_blank">en</a>)</div>

    I’m willing to help, but I don’t know how to access the server logs (it might not be possible).

    i’ve got the same blank configuration page problem.
    I’m on a fresh WordPress 2.8.6 and i have no other plugin installed.

    Of course i’ve set the chmod on the 2 sitemaps files at the wordpress root folder.

    Is there a solution to that issue ?

    Thank you

    I’ve fixed my problem by forcing the PHP5 support (i’m on 1and1).

    I had that line in the .htaccess file :
    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    Hope it will help other users



    Great, thats a good hint! Maybe its a PHP4 problem. I’ve tested only with PHP 4.4.9, so could somebody of you find out which PHP version is installed on your server?

    Hi Arnee, (great plug-in btw)

    I just checked via phpinfo() and I also have 4.4.9 – however after forcing php5 (Thanx Concerto!) it seems to be working.

    May be there is some buggy php4 function in use, I havn’t lookes at the code.

    So a solution may be to force php5.

    I’m using
    Apache 1.3.41 (Unix)
    PHP 5.2.8
    MySQL 5.0.85-community
    x64 Linux

    On 2.8.6 works fine.

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