I was having the same issue with the SLP admin.css file messing with WordPress’ default admin.css file. So, despite how much I hate messing with core files of any kind, I went in and commented out a couple of sections of SLP’s admin.css file. It would be nice if plug-in authors didn’t try messing about so much with the admin styles.
* Locations: Manage
*div.wrap table.slplus.widefat thead tr th {
* background: #404040; /* for non-css3 browsers */
* filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#808080', endColorstr=' #404040'); /* for IE */
* background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#808080), to( #404040)); /* for webkit browsers */
* background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #808080, #404040); /* for firefox 3.6+ */
* background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #808080, #404040);
* text-decoration: none;
*div.wrap table.slplus.widefat thead tr th,
*div.wrap table.slplus.widefat thead tr th a
* color: #EEEEFF;
* font-weight: bold;
* text-decoration: none;
* text-shadow: none;
* font-size: 14px;
* font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif;
*div.wrap table.slplus.widefat thead tr th a {
* color: #9999FF;
* text-decoration: underline;
*div.wrap table.slplus.widefat thead tr th input.button {
* vertical-align: middle;
* Settings: General
*.tableRowHeader,.tableRowHeader td,.tableRowHeader th
* background-color: black;
* color: white;
* font-weight: bold;
*.tableRowHeader td a,.tableRowHeader th a,.widefat thead td a,.widefat thead th a
* color: #00aa00;
* font-weight: bold;
* text-decoration: underline;
*.widefat,.widefat thead td a,.widefat thead th a,.widefat td,.widefat th
* font-size: 12px;
* border: none;
*.widefat td td, .widefat td, .widefat th {
* border-bottom: none;
*.widefat thead,.widefat thead tr {
* background-color: #464646;
* background-image: none;
* color: white;
*.highlight {
* background-color: lightYellow;
* border: solid gold 1px;
* padding: 7px;
* color: #000;