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  • I’m not seeing this, on my site or yours at the link above, on IE or Firefox. I just see the PDF as I’d expect.

    Try it out here and see how it goes, this is the same code the plugin embeds (only outside WordPress):

    Let me know if you discover anything.

    I’ve got a duh-mb question.

    I’ve read through the FAQs listed here; I’ve stumbled through your GDE website; and I’ve uploaded and embedded a pretty large ppt file into my WordPress blog post (only by cutting and pasting code – monkey see, monkey do); but I don’t understand the connection between Google Docs and your Plug-in. I see the nifty logo in the corner of my ppt embed, but I don’t get it.

    I have a Google Docs account, but there’s a 10 MB file size limit. I can upload a .ppt file to my Media Library and use the file name from there. Where’s the Google Docs connection? I feel like I’m missing the big picture. I’ve never really used Google Docs, and their ‘help’ files were giving me a headache – my options weren’t the same as those listed in their FAQs.

    Any help?

    Thanks again for the plug-in!

    The viewer the plug-in embeds is called the Google Docs Viewer (by Google). That’s essentially the only connection to the Google Docs service itself (semantic).

    In fact, the plug-in works best (as you’ve discovered) if you store your embedded files on the public internet – on your site, most likely – rather than behind the wall at Google. I’ve considered adding more native connections to Google Docs service itself, but as of now doesn’t seem that useful to many users.

    Hope this answers your question. Glad the plug-in is useful to you.

    How do I disable the Google login on embedded documents?

    The viewer is of no use in serving up public PDFs on my own server if my many readers all have to have and log in to a Google Account.

    I want to server my own docs to everyone without the annoying Google login. Mist of my site visitors do not have Google Accounts, and I do not want toforce them to create a Google Account just to read my public PDFs.

    I am getting the same problem as the others — Google is asking for a login. I get it also when I use the Google document viewer from the Google site. It seems as if the viewer worked perfectly until very recently– I tested the site on all the browsers and it was not asking for a login. I don’t know what is different now, but I finally gave up on GDE and just linked a thumbnail to the docs. So I am not using the Google docs viewer any longer.

    Forgot to mention, it does ask for a login for the GDE embedded documents on this site as well.

    I can’t reproduce this. PDFs stored either on my own site or otherwise on the internet (not locked up in Google Docs itself) are embedding fine, no login required.

    Where are the PDF files you are embedding being hosted?

    @k3davis: have you tried to go to google and log yourself out before going to a site to view a pdf? (make sure to only have one open browser / browser window)

    At least on my installation that reproduced the problem. I.e. if I’m logged into Google I view pdf’s just fine, but if I’m not logged into Google, I get the sign-in screen too.

    Hope this helps solve the problem – like lots of others, I’d also very much like to use your otherwise fine plug-in…

    NB: my pdf is self-stored, no access limitations

    fotoblogger – thanks for the idea. I tried several things, including loading the PDF from private browsing (where I should not be logged into anything), from an install of firefox in a virtual space where I’d never logged into google, and on a public computer where I had a new disposable profile where I never logged into any google service. None of them prompted me to log in, even so.

    You may be on to something, and I’d also like to get to the bottom of the issue, but as yet I still can’t reproduce it. Maybe you can send me the URL of a page where you’re seeing the login screen, and I can try to view it from some of these test locations?

    k3davis: Thanks for looking into this! Here’s what I’ve found, after testing a little more:

    On my “daily” computer ((an Intel Mac) where I frequently log into Google (mostly analytics)):

    • Google Chrome: shows fine, not difference if logged in to Google or not
    • Safari: Same as above.
    • Firefox: Shows google log-in if I’m not logged into Google. If I am logged-into Google it shows fine

    On my WinXP mini laptop

    • IE8: works fine
    • Safari: works fine
    • Firefox: works fine
    • Chrome: Shows google log-in if I’m not logged into Google. If I am logged-into Google it shows fine

    Whadda ya make of that?

    I’ll be happy to share the URL, but the site is in development so I don’t want to go all public. Is there no way to send PMs in wordpress’s forum? (I can’t see it?).
    Can I contact you either by

    Thanks again!

    Wow, no wonder I have been confused and frustrated by this issue… haha.

    Please do send me the URL. The reason I ask still, is that even when I try Chrome on XP without being logged in to Google, the files I’m trying are still working properly. (I don’t have a mac to test the other scenario.)

    You can find my email address in the GPL section of gviewer.php in the plugin itself, or go to my contact page. I understand the desire not to publish it here. Thanks!

    I am having the same issue…. it’s asking for a login/pass instead of displaying the docs…. Any solutions?

    For Everybody facing the problems

    This is not a problem at all – the login screen appears for ony those with google cookies – in a firefox browser !!

    Absolutely fine with Chrome ..
    IE prob still remains !!!

    On firefox if you have problem – clear cache/cookies reload all should be well ..

    In action @

    I suppose this solves it all for now !!

    May be author wll be able to find fix soon on Firefox !!!

    @crimechamber. Nope. I’m using Chrome and getting the login screen to view publically accessible docs. If I log in, it will display the documents, but if I then logout of Google services it still shows them!

    When I view it on an iphone on safari I can’t view them.

    This doesn’t appear to be a browser issue.

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