The good news is that Analyticator 6.3.2 works fine under WordPress 2.9.2. (And yes, I’ll update someday, but that’s a big project.)
The bad news is that it is now difficult to install.
I have two sites on the same domain, www and techblog.
Yesterday I upgraded techblog to 6.3.1, which only required WP 2.7.
Today I could not automatically update techblog to 6.3.2, which requires WP 3.2. However after a local decompress and manual FTP upload, Analyticator 6.3.2 works fine: I had a field for pasting the tracking token, I see the dashboard, and the tracking code is inserted in my pages.
However on the www site, whether I uninstall and upload, or FTP upload, the Settings link keeps dropping the “www” from the path, so it cannot load the Settings page. If I manually re-add the “www”, I can get to one page, but then the next redirect fails. I downgraded this site to 6.2 and the Settings work again.
My other feedback is that the plugin should not rely on authentication. IMHO the main purpose and benefit of Analyticator is inserting the tracking tags, including for file downloads. The dashboard widget is a “nice-to-have” that I never use. After upgrading, it was rather disconcerting to lose access to all the insertion options just because the widget can’t authenticate–I wondered if my site was still being tracked. I would suggest making authentication optional again as it was up to 6.2.