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  • Hello,

    we suppose that ads are set up incorrectly on Google site because the script is loading correctly and all parameters for the script are correct. We tried to use your publisher id and everything works properly.


    What exactly could be set up incorrectly on Google site? I am slightly confused, but thank you for your time.


    may be this is related to your website only. We used your publisher id for the testing and everything is displaying correctly – texts ads and images.


    I am currently using the buddy press theme/plugin, might that be a conflict with your plugin or do you think it might be my website host?



    I too had similar problems with just a yellow box showing up, but my Adsense publisher ID was missing numbers off the end. I entered it properly (without the “pub-” part), waited 5 minutes, and ads are now showing successfully.

    The problem now, is that they are being cut off. For example: underneath the picture, there is a bit of the yellow box still showing and one of the ads is hidden. Do you know if this has happened before, and if I can fix it?


    why dont you guys just open footer.php and insert any ad codes right there instead installing plugins ?

    i am sure that any themes has index.php from which you can locate the function get_header() and get_footer() which includes header.php and footer.php respectively .
    i myself never use or just a few plugins for best performance .

    if you want to insert ad to sidebar and dont want to manually add code to sidebar.php ( or something like that ) then insert a text widget and insert the ad code right there, make sure the width of sidebar is enough to fit the ad code ( normally 200-300 pixels )

    tell me why you cant just open footer.php and insert the code simply ?

    should i write an article about this ?

    [Link removed]



    why dont you guys just open footer.php and insert any ad codes right there instead installing plugins ?

    Because, in many cases, that would:

    a) involve creating a child theme
    b) would mean repeating the process if you wanted to switch themes
    c) assume that the site owner is comfortable editing a .php file

    And please do not use these forums to promote your own tutorial site. That sort of thing doesn’t go down very well here.



    I installed your plug-in today but guess I’m missing something because the ads are not showing up on my site…

    Thanks much



    Please fix it! With latest update, plugin does not work when i put it below every single post. BEFORE this latest update, this work really good!!
    What you suggest me to do??



    Can i unistall it and install it again, but with the previous version?



    same here – ads won’t display

    added leaderboard before footer – it’s a noshow

    Same issue ads not swhowing up. I manually input my adsense number. Still nothing is showing up! Frustrating!

    Hello jacqui00,

    1) Please clarify, you theme has a challenge of right hooks, that the plugin can display advertising? try to activate the standard theme – is advertising appeared?
    2) please check the plugin’s settings – maybe you have the unnecessary letters in the field publisher id, there must be only digits.


    Hello pasaporti,

    At this moment the plugin works correctly.


    Hi again pasaporti,

    Yes. You can install any version of the plugin. Here is the page with all versions of the plugin:


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