• ResolvedPlugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    For MailChimp – get your customized form:

    1. Visit MailChimp.com and login
    2. Hover over the 2nd big icon (Design Sign-Up Form) and select your list.
    3. – A page that says “Create Form” will appear
    4. Click the “Share It” tab
    5. Click the Create HTML Code for A Small Subscribe Form
    6. Copy the code in the “Copy/Paste into your site” section.
    7. Open Notepad (or similar program for your operating sytem)
    8. Paste the code into Notepad

    At this point, we’ll grab the actual items of code we’ll need for the form. Here’s an example of the form (for my personal blog’s subscribe form):


    In the widget settings, for Form Action, just copy/paste the URL from the <form action=”this part only” part of the linked gist.

    In my case, I would copy and paste only https://brandonkraft.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=8bf735574fe7445970000d814&id=f942c3ccf5

    For the e-mail field name, I only need the <input type=”email”… name=”EMAIL“…, so I would copy/paste only EMAIL

    On MailChimp, there are no hidden fields, so we would leave that section of the widget settings blank.

    That should be it!

    Last updated: August 22, 2012


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  • https://thecomicmuse.com

    If you need to get into the admin, please email me at [email moderated]

    Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    Sorry — can you put the widget back in it’s nonfunctional state?

    I’ve closed it, if that’s what you mean. (Sorry, I’m a fiction writer!)

    Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    Sorry, no. I mean that currently it doesn’t appear that the widget is on your site at all.

    If you add the widget back to your site (giving you the 404 error), I can check it out and likely determine the issue.

    I’m sorry but I don’t understand. The widget is in place in the “Newsletter” box on the right side of the “Widgets” page in the admin. The widget is also showing on the site itself, is it not? I don’t know what you mean by “adding the widget back to my site.”

    Thanks for your patience with me.

    I see you sent an email into a Constant Contact email widget that is not activated on the site. I’m trying to use the newsletter widget with a Mail Chimp account.

    Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    No problem. The widget that’s on your site now isn’t the eNews Extended widget. It appears to be a text widget with HTML pasted directly into it.

    OK, I just deleted two widgets in my “Inactive Widgets” section that might be what you’re talking about. They were attempts of mine to solve my problem using Constant Contact before I contacted you. Now I have your eNews Extended widget in place in the “Newsletter” section on the right hand side of the “Widgets” page in the admin. I don’t know how else I can make it appear on the site. Help.

    Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    You did it now. The constant contact one was showing on the site until a few minutes ago.

    It appears that in the form action field, you have included quotes in that setting.

    In the form action field, copy and paste just the following without quotes around it:

    That should do it!

    Excellent, Brandon, thank you. I don’t understand what you did, but I’m glad you did it!

    This may be a Mail Chimp issue, but when I plug an email into the subscribe form, I am led to a page that says

    “Almost finished…
    We need to confirm your email address.

    To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you.”

    This may be standard operating procedure for Mail Chimp (I just signed up with it tonight and haven’t investigated it much). Is that your understanding or is there a better way to use the plugin?

    Thanks so much again,

    Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    Yeah, that is a MailChimp thing. You can edit that page or have MailChimp redirect to a page on your site (subscribe to my list at brandonkraft.com for a working example).

    To do that, MailChimp’s site has the details:

    Glad we got it working! Cheers!

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