As a followup to djeyewater‘s post, I just upgraded to WordPress 3.6, and am getting the following strict standards notices when WP_DEBUG is set to true:
Strict Standards: Non-static method WP_Cap_Helper_CR::establish_status_caps() should not be called statically in .../role-scoper_init.php on line 99
Strict Standards: Non-static method WP_Cap_Helper_CR::force_distinct_post_caps() should not be called statically in .../role-scoper_init.php on line 100
Strict Standards: Non-static method WP_Cap_Helper_CR::force_distinct_taxonomy_caps() should not be called statically in .../role-scoper_init.php on line 101
Strict Standards: Declaration of CR_Data_Sources::add() should be compatible with & AGP_Config_Items::add($name, $defining_module, $args = Array) in .../data_sources_rs.php on line 7
Strict Standards: Declaration of CR_Taxonomies::add() should be compatible with & AGP_Config_Items::add($name, $defining_module, $args = Array) in .../taxonomies_rs.php on line 7
Strict Standards: Declaration of CR_Capabilities::add() should be compatible with & AGP_Config_Items::add($name, $defining_module, $args = Array) in .../capabilities_rs.php on line 7