Displaying rating block inline with some other content can be done using CSS. You can add some custom CSS class to rating block, and adjust the style for that class along with the rest of your post to display it inline. But this can’t be done through plugin alone, because this will vary from theme to theme. And there is nothing ‘universal’ I can add to solve that. That’s the problem with CSS/HTML/WebStandards. Sorry, but there is nothing much I can do, and I can’t create styles to fit every theme, this rating block rendered now works with every browser on every theme, and that was the point.
As for adding php into the display text field, that’s not supported, and is going to stay that way for now, I have that on list of features, but that has low priority, and I just have so little free time these days so I can work on features that are much important to most users.
In next week or two there will be alternative method for rendering static rating stars (not allowing rating) that can be placed as a single image, but still there is no alternative rendering for active rating block.