Well. I nearly did it. Maybe it will inspire someone else to finish the job off.
I used the addthis method to get the overlay on static images. I did this by adding the addthis class to the image and adding the javascript into the header.
I then amended the plugins javascript to add an a href=”#” and class – both needed to trigger the addthis javascript. But. It didn’t work. Here is the code change (line. 741 in jetpack-carousel.js)
// If the start_index is not 0 then preload the clicked image first.
if ( 0 !== start_index )
$('<img/></a>')[0].src = $(items[start_index]).data('gallery-src');
// create the 'slide'
var src_item = $(this),
attachment_id = src_item.data('attachment-id') || 0,
comments_opened = src_item.data('comments-opened') || 0,
image_meta = src_item.data('image-meta') || {},
orig_size = src_item.data('orig-size') || 0,
title = src_item.attr('title') || '',
description = src_item.data('image-description') || '',
caption = src_item.parents('dl').find('dd.gallery-caption').html() || '',
src = src_item.data('gallery-src') || '',
medium_file = src_item.data('medium-file') || '',
large_file = src_item.data('large-file') || '',
orig_file = src_item.data('orig-file') || '';
var tiledCaption = src_item.parents('div.tiled-gallery-item').find('div.tiled-gallery-caption').html();
if ( tiledCaption )
caption = tiledCaption;
if ( !attachment_id || !orig_size )
return false; // break the loop if we are missing the data-* attributes
title = gallery.jp_carousel('texturize', title);
description = gallery.jp_carousel('texturize', description);
caption = gallery.jp_carousel('texturize', caption);
var slide = $('<div class="jp-carousel-slide"></div>')
'position' : 'fixed',
'left' : i < start_index ? -1000 : gallery.width()
.append($('<a href="#"><img class="addthis_shareable">'))
Good luck!