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  • i am sure you and i are not alone when we would like to see some social functionality, at least FB share and P pin…

    Plugin Author Syed Balkhi


    The goal of this plugin is to emulate exactly what Jetpack Carousel feature offers without requiring users to connect with

    If you look at the code, this is literally a copy and paste of Jetpack plugin minus the need for authentication. In order to keep it updated with future versions of Jetpack carousel, I am not adding any additional features.

    ok, makes sense from that perspective. as i am not a developer – are there any hooks which one could base a further plugin on to add this functionality?

    Would be ideal – surprised Jetpack doesn’t have it… May well be possible with:

    Well. I nearly did it. Maybe it will inspire someone else to finish the job off.

    I used the addthis method to get the overlay on static images. I did this by adding the addthis class to the image and adding the javascript into the header.

    I then amended the plugins javascript to add an a href=”#” and class – both needed to trigger the addthis javascript. But. It didn’t work. Here is the code change (line. 741 in jetpack-carousel.js)

    // If the start_index is not 0 then preload the clicked image first.
    			if ( 0 !== start_index )
    				$('<img/></a>')[0].src = $(items[start_index]).data('gallery-src');
    			// create the 'slide'
    				var src_item        = $(this),
    					attachment_id   ='attachment-id') || 0,
    					comments_opened ='comments-opened') || 0,
    					image_meta      ='image-meta') || {},
    					orig_size       ='orig-size') || 0,
    					title           = src_item.attr('title') || '',
    					description     ='image-description') || '',
    					caption         = src_item.parents('dl').find('').html() || '',
    					src		='gallery-src') || '',
    					medium_file     ='medium-file') || '',
    					large_file      ='large-file') || '',
    					orig_file	='orig-file') || '';
    				var tiledCaption = src_item.parents('div.tiled-gallery-item').find('div.tiled-gallery-caption').html();
    				if ( tiledCaption )
    					caption = tiledCaption;
    				if ( !attachment_id || !orig_size )
    					return false; // break the loop if we are missing the data-* attributes
    				title       = gallery.jp_carousel('texturize', title);
    				description = gallery.jp_carousel('texturize', description);
    				caption     = gallery.jp_carousel('texturize', caption);
    				var slide = $('<div class="jp-carousel-slide"></div>')
    							'position' : 'fixed',
    							'left'     : i < start_index ? -1000 : gallery.width()
    						.append($('<a href="#"><img class="addthis_shareable">'))

    Good luck!

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