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  • Great??? But a€?excerptlengtha€? and a€?maxword_lengtha€? can not work with chinese character.

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    V3 beta is not available for download. like posts and updates, the new key features are the xslt argument and the built-in caching

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    v.3.1 filters spam out. ??

    Denis, I can’t seem to get it to just display the where and the who. I don’t want the excerpt to show. I tried doing both the -1 and 0 in the excerpt_length and the max_word_length. It puts out just the first word.

    Can it not display the excerpt? If so, how do I tell it that’s what I want??

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    Paula: based on what I see on your site, the plugin won’t work on your server due to lack of xslt support from your host. regarding the obsolete plugin, i do not recall i had left a way to remove the excerpt, so you’ll likely want to comment out the relevant lines in the code.


    Yeah, I saw that (the error message) and left it there until I could make a note of it to send to my site host.

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    Recent comments, v.3.2 is out. And it will hopefully solve your problem.

    Sorry. Please ignore.

    Denis, I don’t understand why my site won’t validate (XHTML 1.0 Strict) with the plug-in installed. I get the typical following error for each recent comment entry.

    Line 292, column 18: end tag for “br” omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified

    • Baudoin:<br>
      You may have neglected to close a tag, or perhaps you meant to “self-close” a tag; that is, ending it with “/>” instead of “>”.

    I’m not a programmer but I checked both .xslt files and you did use use the correct syntax (
    ). Any clue?

    Thanks for this great plug-in!

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    open your xslt file and change:

    <xsl:output method=”html” indent=”yes” />


    <xsl:output method=”xml” indent=”yes” omit-xml-declaration=”yes” />

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    v.3.3 silently discards parse errors

    Denis: when I load your plugin and add the relevant lines on my template it doesn’t load, and anything below the code dissapears.

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    a url would help.

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