Hi Jeff,
We are having the exact same problem in this blog, so I’ll go ahead and post here (so you don’t have repeated threads/issues). If you need me to repost this somewhere else, just LMK.
1. Preliminary Information:
- Plugin Unique ID: 6024;
- Plugin Version: 0.9.7;
- Theme: Thesis (1.6 Version);
- WordPress Version: 2.9.2;
- MySQL Version: 5.0
- PHP Version: 5.2.4
- PHP Configuration:
64MB Memory Limit, Safe Mode Off, Register Globals Off, Display Errors On, Allow URL Fopen On, Magic Quote GPC On;
2. Description of the Issue:
FPSS works perfectly on Firefox 3.6.3, Chrome 4.1, Safari 3.2, and Opera 10.51, but on IE 8 it displays everything (even the loader animation) except for the actual images. I tried to deactivate all my plugins and to play with the css a little (adding and changing the z-index property to #fs-picture, for instance), but that didn’t make a difference.
One of my plugins (superslider-login) uses Mootools, and you said earlier this could be causing the issue. However, and based solely on my not so extensive web experience, if Mootools JS was the guilty element, wouldn’t that prevent images from being displayed in all the other browsers? Also, if that was the pb, wouldn’t the deactivation of the Superslider-login plugin and deletion of all the plugin files (including the Mootools JS file) have fixed the issue?
If you ask me, this smells a lot like an “IE non-compliance to Web and CSS standards” issue to me, but I have no idea were to begin solving this. To be honest, I’m already having some problems with IE and was thinking on including a disclosure somewhere on the site about IE and usability, but one thing is for sure: given the market share that Microsoft and IE still have in users’ browser preferences, I can’t just ignore this issue.
Any help you could give me WILL be very much appreciated. Thank you in advanced!
P.S.: I visited your site and noticed it is written in French, so I wanted to let you know that I speak French perfectly (in case it is easier or more comfortable for you).