• Resolved Ian Dunn


    This problem is already solved, so I’m just posting this as an FYI for anyone else who runs into it.

    I have a form setup on a custom login page, and it worked fine for awhile. But, after upgrading to one of the recent versions of Formidable, I started getting the generic form failure error — “We’re sorry. It looks like you’ve already submitted that.” — whenever the form was submitted. Forms submitted from normal WordPress pages continued to work fine.

    All the other support threads I read said that it was probably a corrupt database, but emptying my database tables didn’t fix the problem.

    I eventually realized that FrmEntriesController::process_entry() wasn’t getting called (probably because the wp action doesn’t get triggered on wp-login.php), so I manually triggered the frm_wp action before calling the FrmEntriesController::show_form() and that fixed it.

    if( method_exists( 'FrmEntriesController', 'show_form' ) )
    	echo FrmEntriesController::show_form( 2, '', true );


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