Hi @anishniranam
Thanks for trying that and letting us know!
This isn’t really a “known issue” so we need to go “step by step” with it. I’m particularly wondering about this aspect: “Getting message to regenerate Password”.
The Defender plugin doesn’t force password reset like that except two cases:
1. if you specifically enable “Defender -> Tools -> Password Reset” option
But that’s a “one time thing”. I mean that it’s not an “enabled/disabled” kind of feature but rather an option for you to force users to reset their passwords whenever you think it’s necessary. Otherwise it doesn’t work “on its own”.
2. if the “Defender -> Tools “Pwned Passwords” option is enabled.
This option, if enabled, checks hash of password upon each registration and login (!) against “haveibeenpwnd” database and actually does force password reset.
I think this is most likely the issue and if you are able to disable this option then you could confirm it: if no forced password reset happens once it’s disabled, it means this is the case.
And if so, it would very likely mean that the password that was used as new one for reset wasn’t quite secure as well, I’m afraid.
Kind regards,