• I’m making a plugin for delete image not used in wordpress well i find a plugin DUI(Delet unused image), but not work very fine, so i’m working in a new version,so i have the code for delete the image, but i want to update the _wp_attachment_metadata of the image, but i dont find how to do that, because if i dont update that, are going to be issues when somebody make a post and search the image deleted, because he going to find it, but in fact the image dont exist.
    Example i upload nico.jpg and wordpress make
    But i never use nico15x15.jpg and never going to use.
    So the plugin find it(nico15x15.jpg) and i can delete it, but if i delete the image, after i can see the option in the media library for use this image(nico15x15.jpg) that’s what I want to avoid
    so i want to delete nico15x15.jpg and only see in the media library this option of the image

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