Next update will contain a fix. If you don’t want to wait you can change the function print_bonus_question_for_user()
in file classes/class-football-pool-pool.php
public function print_bonus_question_for_user( $questions ) {
$output = '';
$nr = 1;
$statspage = Football_Pool::get_page_link( 'statistics' );
foreach ( $questions as $question ) {
if ( ! $this->bonus_is_editable( $question['questionDate'] ) ) {
$output .= '<div class="bonus userview">';
$output .= sprintf( '<p class="question">%d. %s</p>', $nr++, $question['question'] );
$output .= '<span class="bonus points">';
if ( $question['scoreDate'] ) {
// standard points or alternate points as reward for question?
$points = ( $question['userPoints'] != 0 ) ? $question['userPoints'] : $question['points'];
$output .= sprintf( '%d %s ',
( $question['correct'] * $points ),
$output .= sprintf( '<a title="%s" href="%s?view=bonusquestion&question=%d">',
__( 'bekijk antwoorden van andere spelers', FOOTBALLPOOL_TEXT_DOMAIN ), $statspage, $question['id'] );
$output .= sprintf( '<img alt="%s" src="%sassets/images/site/charts.png" />',
__( 'bekijk antwoorden van andere spelers', FOOTBALLPOOL_TEXT_DOMAIN ), FOOTBALLPOOL_PLUGIN_URL );
$output .= '</a></span>';
$output .= sprintf( '<p>%s: %s</p>',
( $question['answer'] != '' ? $question['answer'] : '...' )
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;