• I wanted to make a few changes to the Flickr Press plugin for a couple of sites that I’m running it on, and I thought I’d post about it in case anyone else may find them useful – I’ve uploaded the zip of the modified plugin here: https://www.tallphil.co.uk/flickr-press/

    I’ve posted on the author’s site about these changes, but his contact form seems to be down. As such I should warn that these changes are without his consent! ??

    The changes are:
    – Option to specify the size of the main photo
    – Option to change how frequently the cache is updated
    – Inclusion of a link around the main photo, so that clicking it advances
    – A bit of Javascript to allow the user to use the cursor keys to navigate

    Shout if anyone has any problems or suggestions!



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  • Very nice enhancements! I downloaded it and updated the original plugin and it seems to work fine.

    One question, how do you specify the main photo size? I didn’t see the option.

    Thread Starter Phil Ewels


    Thanks mukeshwani, you should see a drop down box on the ‘General’ tab of the main settings page (Settings > Flickr Settings) for Photo Size, third down. There are three options: small, medium and large.

    Is this option not there for you?

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