i have been working on a solution for the attachment issue and am making progress, in the meantime inserting the following in your themes function file should remove all the FG duplicates from the new insert dialog.
remove_action( 'wp_ajax_query-attachments', 'wp_ajax_query_attachments', 1 );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_query-attachments', 'my_ajax_query_attachments', 1 );
$attach_parent = null;
function my_ajax_query_attachments(){
global $attach_parent;
$query = isset( $_REQUEST['query'] ) ? (array) $_REQUEST['query'] : array();
$query = array_intersect_key( $query, array_flip( array(
's', 'order', 'orderby', 'posts_per_page', 'paged', 'post_mime_type',
'post_parent', 'post__in', 'post__not_in',
) ) );
$query['post_type'] = 'attachment';
$query['post_status'] = 'inherit';
if ( current_user_can( get_post_type_object( 'attachment' )->cap->read_private_posts ) )
$query['post_status'] .= ',private';
$attach_parent = $_REQUEST['post_id'];
add_filter('posts_where', 'filter_duplicate_attachments');
$query = new WP_Query( $query );
remove_filter('posts_where', 'filter_duplicate_attachments');
$attach_parent = null;
$posts = array_map( 'wp_prepare_attachment_for_js', $query->posts );
$posts = array_filter( $posts );
wp_send_json_success( $posts );
function filter_duplicate_attachments($input) {
global $post, $attach_parent;
if (!empty($attach_parent)){
$input .= " AND ((wp_posts.ID NOT IN ( SELECT ID FROM wp_posts AS ps INNER JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm ON pm.post_id = ps.ID WHERE pm.meta_key = '_is_copy_of' )) OR (wp_posts.post_parent=". $attach_parent ."))";
return $input;
hope this helps some of you.