• Hey fellow File Gallery users, I have a new gallery template idea in mind that I want to bounce off you all.

    In my opinion, I think it would be a good use of my blog’s screen real estate to not take up valuable vertical space with a bunch of thumbnails, even if those thumbnails are small.

    Instead, I think it might be neat to have a single thumbnail at the bottom of a post, with intro text like “Full Project Gallery:”

    Then this single thumbnail fires a Highslide (or pick your favorite javascript library) popup with thumbnail slider/toolbar.

    I’m currently experimenting with the Highslide framework, since it seems to have the best support for integrated thumbnail sliders.

    So that leaves me with the question of how to “hide” all but the first of the thumbnails from the WordPress gallery shortcode. It would seem to me that a File Gallery template here could do the trick.

    I did some Googling and found a very good suggestion on a Drupal forum. Basically amounts to two different CSS classes, the second taking advantage of the visibility:hidden or display:none properties.

    Sounds like a template could handle this.


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