• When a post is pulled in from the rss feed there are 2 options: link the title to the original post or to the local blogpost.

    The latter is my choice. But I still want somehow the source to be clear. Is it possible to have a link of the original post in the bottom of the post as the setting in “Posts & Links” : “Give the original source of the post as the source, not the aggregator.” suggests …?

    There is no source link visible. Any ideas someone? Or am I missing something here?


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  • From https://feedwordpress.radgeek.com/wiki/templates/

    get_syndication_permalink() / the_syndication_permalink(): returns or outputs the URI of the original permalink for a syndicated post, on the source it was syndicated from

    get_syndication_source() / the_syndication_source(): returns or outputs the human-readable title of the website that a syndicated post was syndicated from

    <?php if (is_syndicated()) : ?>
    <p>This is a syndicated post. Read the original at
    <a href="<?php the_syndication_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_syndication_source(); ?></a>.</p>
    <?php endif; ?>

    which file and where do i add that?

    Thread Starter Vakantie Ameland


    Use this in e.g. the single.php file of your theme:

    <a href="<?php $key="syndication_permalink"; echo get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, true); ?>" target="_blank">The Source Article</a>

    The link to the original source is inserted in every single post

    To know every meta value of a post just insert this into the post template

    <?php the_meta(); ?> and the meta values show . Pick the one you want and you can remove your code.

    A much easier way to add source to feedwordpress post is to download additional add-in feedwordpress boiler and automatically set it to add source after each post.
    Good tutorial on this is here.

    Agreed with ilyar126 – The FWP add-on plugin “Add attribution” can be used for an easy way to add a link to the original source at the end of every post.

    My boiler plate setting: insert “After” the “Content”:
    <a href="[original-url]" target="_blank">Read the original article...</a>

    Agreed with ilyar126 ! The best solution for this! ??

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