OK, thanks for testing you can leave that file, it is in the downland code now anyway.
The themes that caused this are messed up, all of you should report this to the theme support.
Is that a premium theme you paid for?
My patch was a work around fix, but there is still a problem with your themes adding other line breaks and paragraph tags in the HTML source. This causes non valid HTML and extra gaps in the form and CAPTCHA fields.
You should see if there are updates for the theme, if there is install them and see if the problem goes away. If the theme is the latest version you should tell the theme support about the extra HTML tags it is putting in there. They should really fix that. A theme should never change HTML of other plugins. My update was a workaround, but I should not have had to do that.
Here is what the theme is doing:
After every h3 tag close it adds a paragraph close tag.
<h3>How Did You Hear About Us</h3>
It puts a paragraph tag around the HTML comment
<p><!-- Fast Secure Contact Form plugin 3.1.6 - begin - FastSecureContactForm.com --></p>
It puts line break tags after hidden form inputs:
<input type="hidden" name="si_contact_action" value="send" /><br />
and a few other random paragraph open or close tags