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  • The WP auto install failed.
    Try installing it manually.

    (no way for me to tell why it did that, note: the plugin install/upgrade functions are built into WP, not the plugin, so nothing for me to fix.)
    You can FTP to your wordpress plugins directory and delete the /si-contact-form/ folder, then re-install the plugin from the wordpress menu, or download the zip file and FTP the folder with all its files up to your server again. Then activate the plugin.

    Make sure you follow these instructions:

    Upload the si-contact-form folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install through the Add Plugins menu in WordPress

    Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress. Look for the
    Settings link to configure the Options.

    You must add the shortcode [si-contact-form form=’1′] in a Page(not a
    Post). That Page will become your Contact Form. Here is how: Log into
    your blog admin dashboard. Click Pages, click Add New, add a title to
    your page, enter the shortcode [si-contact-form form=’1′] in the page,
    uncheck Allow Comments, click Publish.

    Here is a visual diagram of installation:

    I noticed that some automatic plugin updates and most WP upgrades seem to finish without removing their stuff from the upgrade directory, and when that happens, it seems that upgrades get stuck with a long delay followed by an error. I see that happen now and then on my C-panel based sites.

    I don’t think that is the case with this plugin, but what I did notice with this one and one or two others is that they seem to try to copy a file from a path that is hard-rooted to /public/… I haven’t looked deeply into this to find out why. But, I did do the manual install and it seemed to work. The only gotcha is that it’s on a C-panel system which means that the directory will be owned by the C-panel userid rather than the userid that Apache is running under.

    It’s funny but when I wanted to remove the old one, I couldn’t remove it in C-panel, so I ended up scratching up a PHP program to remove the old directory and run it by going to the eraseit.php file I created on the website. arrggghhh. I’m using a VPS for my other sites, and I love being free to work within Linux as I’ve been a Unix geek since the early 1980’s. It’s my home ??

    That reminds me. Rather than looking around on this silly old C-panel setup, I should just find and grep a WPMU install on my VPS. Much easier and faster.

    New help article:

    How to uninstall or reinstall Fast Secure Contact Form



    I solved this issue by deleting the UPGRADE directory in its entirety from the wp-content folder – as simple as that! Don’t need to recreate UPGRADE as WP will do it automatically, nor messing around with permissions.:-)

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