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  • Sometimes other plugins break the shortcode functions. Try disabling other plugins to see if one is causing that.


    I have the same problem, I tried deactivating all but your plugin and it still only shows Form 1. I am currently using wordpress 2.9.2

    Shortcode not working is not caused by this plugin.

    Some plugins break the wordpress shortcode feature.
    “Donate Plus” is one of them.

    Maybe another plugin is conflicting.
    Do this as a test:
    Temporarily disable all your other plugins.
    Does it work now? If yes, enable the plugins one by one to determine
    which one conflicts. Which plugin was causing it?

    It could be the theme you are using is causing it…
    Do this as a test:
    In Admin, click on Appearance, Themes.
    Temporarily change your theme to the “WordPress Default” theme.
    Does it work properly now?
    If it does then the theme you are using is the cause.

    One user said:
    “I figured it out. I’m using Thesis theme and on the pages where I failed to put in the SEO Title & Description meta information, all shortcodes were ignored–not just yours, but any shortcode. Very weird.”

    I have the same problem, two different forms 1 & 2 on different pages. I deactivated all plugins and it only shows Form 1 on both pages. I changed the theme but still not working. currently using 2.9.2

    Any ideas?

    Most likely your WordPress has broken shortcode.
    Anybody asking for help… Please post a URL to the page with problem. Thanks

    I’ve also got this problem. I’m using other plug ins (such as the Next gen Gallery) which use shortcode and these are working correctly. I’m Using 2.9.2

    My site is not online so cannot post url.


    Hi, Solved this:

    drop the quotes from the “form” parameter so:

    [si_contact_form form=2]

    I’m new to PHP but imagine it might be the is_numeric() check:

    extract(shortcode_atts(array( ‘form’ => ” ), $atts));
    $form_num = ”;
    $form_id_num = 1;
    if ( isset($form) && is_numeric($form) && $form <= $si_contact_gb_mf[‘max_forms’] ) {
    $form_num = (int)$form;
    $form_id_num = (int)$form;
    if ($form_num == 1)
    $form_num = ”;

    Cheers for all you hard work with this,



    Would you be able to help me verify the problem before I make any changes?
    Please contact me here to continue;

    Hi I am use SI CONTACT FORM Version: 2.7.3 on my web and have found out that the cause of the issue is the reCAPTCHA plugin. Though I have tried to disable the reCAPTCHA plugin and it did make the SI CONTACT FORM to work.

    I think the issue here is with the captcha since the SI CONTACT FORM has CAPTCHA integrated on it. But my Dilemma is that I am using the recaptcha for my registration page and post reply comments.

    I have tried to disable the reCaptcha plugin then enable the SI CONTACT FORM. After, I did disable the integrated captcha on the SI FORM then save and then enable the recaptcha plugin again but after that I am no longer able to edit the SI FORM, just doesn’t work if reCaptcha is enable. Any thoughts?

    Many thanks.

    Why did you hijack an old thread?

    Sorry I do not know the cause of the problem. There are many reCAPTCHA pligins, which one?

    Maybe try removing the reCAPTCHA plugin and using my popular
    SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam

    SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam protects comments and registration.

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