• Finding this plugin very useful so far. ??

    A short wish list of features:

    The ability to add a question to more than one category with checkboxes, like blog post categories. I have topic categories as well as a “Most Frequently Asked Questions” category, and it would be nice to be able to associate questions with multiple categories rather than having to copy & paste them repeatedly.

    The ability to resize the “answer” textarea. Dealing with only three screen-wide rows at a time gets frustrating when editing long answers.

    – As mentioned in another thread, support for line breaks/paragraphs in answers.

    A shorttag for displaying all FAQs, either by category or all lumped together.

    The ability to sort categories the way we can sort questions within a category (which will come in super-handy if the previous feature is implemented).

    Keep up the brilliant work!


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