I’ve figured out how to alter the code to allow custom post types…
open fpp_index.php
look for the comment *Action Handler
you will see…
add_action(‘future_post’, ‘fpp_future_action’);
add_action(‘publish_post’, ‘fpp_publish_action’);
I have a custom post type called “wholesale”, so I added this below it…
add_action(‘future_wholesale’, ‘fpp_future_action’);
add_action(‘publish_wholesale’, ‘fpp_publish_action’);
Next find locations where it says
and change it to
if (is_object($post) && ($post->post_type == ‘post’)|| $post->post_type == ‘wholesale’)
there are just a few places where you have to change it.
Note: if you upgrade this plugin later.. you will have to add these changes again manually. This is a work around until the author adds custom post type support.
(note, this can also work for pages. instead of “wholesale” just type pages)