Having the same issue as Peter.Ingersoll & others here… Social Publisher feature is not publishing description/body copy to Fanpage (or Author’s timeline).
Mattkel.ly — can you please update us on this issue?
Here are samples:
1) Facebook Plugin / Social Publisher / Publish to Fanpage: https://goo.gl/kKAth
(description missing–even though it’s present in og meta tags)
2) Same post using Facebook Plugin / Social Publisher / Publish to Author’s Timeline: [DID NOT PUBLISH TO AUTHOR’S TIMELINE — Error: {“message”:”Object at URL ‘https://www.danapointer.com/dnaptr-testing08-71/’ of type ‘article’ is invalid because it specifies multiple ‘og:url’ values: https://www.danapointer.com/dnaptr-testing08-71/, https://www.danapointer.com/dnaptr-testing08-71/.”,”type”:”Exception”}
3) Author’s Timeline manual status update w link: https://goo.gl/VdFsw
(description missing. shows tagline instead.)
4) Fanpage manual status update w link: https://goo.gl/mkmsk
(description missing. shows tagline instead.)
Thanks for any help or advice you can give!!!