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  • Same problem… !? Any solution?

    Thread Starter Rafael Fischmann


    This is awful because the moderators’ setting doesn’t work and so I’m not receiving any comment notifications from my site. I need to manually go into every post to check on new comments.

    Me to, any support for this, it’s a high priority.

    Guys, now working for me.


    include a meta tag at head:
    <meta property=”fb:app_id” content=”XXXXXXXXXXX“/>

    change XXXXXXXXXXX with your Facebook Application ID

    Obs.: you can add “Meta Tag Manager” ( plugin to manage/add this meta tag

    Also use can use “Facebook developer debugger page” to view all errors on your site/blog. (

    Working on WordPress 3.4.1

    Thread Starter Rafael Fischmann


    It’s also working for me now. My solution was to disable this plugin until all its problems are fixed. I inserted comments in my site manually — which is very simple, actually.

    yeap. actually facebook social is simple tags and small scripts. No plugin needs. It’s true.

    Sorte ai Fishmann !

    Yep, just delete the plugin and and use the scripts, works for me and now I’ve got my hundreds of old comments back. Follow this tutorial if you need some guidance:

    Thanks to montygothic for the link to the tutorial, that saved my day. I’ve written up some additional tips here.

    +1 on this. I have no errors, and my app ID is coming through in the debugger. I have no idea why this isn’t working.

    OKAY. Totally have this figured. It’s because of the stupid way this plugin adds metadata. Instead of the way recommended in the API documentation, it tries to use, which just doesn’t work.

    Setting up the app in Yoast SEO makes it suddenly work. Alas, now my pages are returning invalid OpenGraph data because og:url is declared twice. Will try to find some way of removing the OpenGraph filters from this plugin and report back.

    Plugin Contributor Niall Kennedy


    The outputted Open Graph protocol markup strings are unchanged between plugin versions. Plugin version 1.1 adds some additional properties for author pages and changes the description generator but Facebook app_id is output to the page in the same method as before.

    The full IRI reference is valid RDFa 1.1. Core. Declaring “og:” without defining the CURIE on a parent (head, html) is incorrect and would lead to parser assumptions whenever the prefix was encountered without a CURIE mapping.

    It’s easier to troubleshoot issues you might have with a page if you can provide a link with your report.

    This is what I did:

    a. Install Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin.
    b. Set up Facebook OpenGraph stuff under wp-admin -> SEO -> Social (wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpseo_social). Make sure to link either app or a valid admin user account.
    c. Add the following to your theme’s functions.php file:

    * OpenGraph stuff is now handled by Yoast.
    * This removes Facebook's broken use of its own technology.
    add_action('wp_head', 'remove_fb_og_stuff', 0);
    function remove_fb_og_stuff() {
    remove_action( 'wp_head', 'Facebook_Open_Graph_Protocol::add_og_protocol' );

    Et voilà. It’s absolutely ridiculous Facebook’s 1st-party plugin doesn’t follow Facebook’s own API documentation when implementing OpenGraph metatags. Note that this has taken me *ages* to figure out at this point.

    FWIW, I’ve seen an awful lot of complaints about this “official” plugin.

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