• Failed posting to xxx Timeline because the access token expired. To reactivate publishing, visit the Facebook settings page and re-enable the “Publish to fan page” setting. Full error: {“message”:”Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix time 1340290800. The current unix time is 1340377379.”,”type”:”OAuthException”}

    I got the same error yesterday and re-enabled the “Publish to fan page” setting. Apparently didn’t work. ??


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  • Closing for me with NOT RESOLVED

    Any luck about getting this working?
    I am still having to use hootsuite which kind of defeats the whole purpose.

    Quite indicative that Facebook’s Facebook app doesn’t work and no one from Facebook appears to want to fix it…

    I wouldn’t say that exactly.
    I am running it on https://blog.cutabovehost.com/ and I updated to the 1.03 version which is only on that github site so far.

    I can’t say I have tested everything and it has not been a full 24 hours yet since I installed the updates. I can say however that so far it has not lost the details for my fan page and such yet.


    I just installed this plugin on a client’s site and have the same issue – was working fine when I installed it, then a couple of days later tried to add a post and got the error message

    Failed posting to [site] Timeline because the access token expired. To reactivate publishing, visit the Facebook settings page and re-enable the “Publish to fan page” setting. Full error: {“message”:”Error validating access token: The session is invalid because the user logged out.”,”type”:”OAuthException”}

    1) Really need this to work
    2) After re-enabling as above, how to re-post to FB timeline (don’t see any option in the post)
    3) will other users (e.g. author) get this issue ?


    I actually switched from Simple Facebook Connect to this plugin because SFC has so many conflicts with other plugins – and I thought the official FB plugin must surely be sweet! Well, obviously not!

    If SFC works for you – go ahead and give it a whirl – it’s a good plugin other than the fact it has so many JS / plugin conflicts (just read the SFC support posts!!)

    I don’t think there are any Facebook – WordPress plugins that actually work properly. I for one would happily pay $50 for a plugin that actually worked ??

    I was going to install this plugin but apparently it’s not worth the headache! Does anyone have any alternate suggestions. Does SFC work. I just need my users comments to publish to their timeline so their friends can interact with the comments.

    SFC does work but you may find a variety of new headaches with conflicts with other plugins being a big issue – you’ll just have to try and see !

    I think even the FB developers of this plugin have given up,

    I have the same issue, I have to re-enable the fan-page option every day so far. But the really annoying thing is when you think you are okay and have spend hours writing, proofing and editing your post – it fails to be posted to the facebook fan-page but does go everywhere else it should ie the blog and my personal timeline etc.

    Then I re-enable the option but there is no way to resend the post to the facebook fan-page. You have to put a manual post in – very annoying.

    When we re-enable the option we should be able to resend the post the fan-page. Are there any developers still answering this thread?

    Just got this same error again today.

    As David says, even if you fix it – there is no option to re-post the article which is annoying.

    FEATURE REQUEST please include an “resend to FB” button.

    FEATURE REQUEST 2: please get this plugin stable – it’s quite remarkable the number of issues! The devs must have this down as very low priority

    I have the same problem, and I also get an error message even when it DOES work.

    This plugin is very unreliable.

    Just installed this yesterday and here’s my error message.

    Failed posting to ***** Timeline because the access token expired. To reactivate publishing, visit the Facebook settings page and re-enable the “Publish to fan page” setting. Full error: {“message”:”Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix time *****. The current unix time is *****.”,”type”:”OAuthException”}

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