• Extremely difficult to submit bugs around here, despite it being designed to be “simple.” Could not find your listing in trac.

    Nevertheless, line 78 of your plugin should be
    if ( !is_user_logged_in() || !$cookie) { ?>

    as users who ARE authenticated, but not registered should still be provided the link to login and allow FB access.

    Overall, fantastic plugin. Thanks for the contribution!


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  • Rico Michel


    Just put the url in there, and no document ready. It works!

    You might also want to check the replace_avatar function — when there are many user avatars to display, it slows down the load time considerably. I think the plugin should at least have the option to save the user’s fb profile picture in the WP database, and not make individual calls to all pictures every time.

    Consider over 100 million iOS devices sold — nobody needs a computer anymore, but web developers ??



    Ok so I am using version 1.4 and wp version 3.1, currently some of the users are getting Error: failed to get your email from Facebook! . After reading here it seems that this is due to the email not coming through from facebook. Question is there a fix for this? Its a great plugin you have but this one thing is stopping it from working well with our site.

    Plugin Author valentinas


    this will be solved in next version.

    Sorry i know this is not a good question, but can i know when is the next release estimted?

    This plugin is awesome. Great effort, Valentinas. I am also waiting for the next version. Also I just wanted a hint whether you could replicate the effort for a Twitter Connect plugin as well??

    Plugin Author valentinas


    Hey, guys

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I will not be doing new version for this plugin any time soon.

    It is because I just started a new job, which is not related to WordPress so I need some time to get used to new stuff.

    However if any of you have good coding skills (or if you happen to know someone) and would be interested in rolling out a new version – let me know, I can give you commit access and then everyone will be very happy when the new version is out ??

    I am happy for you on the new job and wish you all the best.

    However the practical end of life for this plugin will most likely result in uninstall. I have lived with the page reload in anticipation of a new version.

    Plugin Author valentinas


    Motoristi, fair enough ?? There are plenty other plugins, if you find better one – let us know here, so other folks could benefit (and maybe I could learn from it if i ever decide to do another version of this one) ??

    Hi people

    Valentinas, I totally understand what you’re going through, but your plugin is the best! It’s lightweight and manages one-click Facebook subscriptions perfectly (so far). Whatever happened to your teammate?

    Now, I’m no real coder, but here’s the code I used to solve the reloads problem. Passing an empty href defaults to the current url. Tested in Explorer and Firefox, as well as on Macs. This replaces the fb_footer() function located in the functions.php file:

    function fb_footer(){
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    FB.init({appId: ‘???your app ID goes here???’, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true});
    FB.Event.subscribe(‘auth.sessionChange’, function(response) {
    if (response.session) {
    } else {

    With this mod the plugin works good in my WordPress 3.0.1 installation: https://elricoshow.com/

    See ya — Rico

    That is just the point. I “shopped around” a lot before choosing your plugin because it is the best one – for me at least. I will just disable fb connectivity on my site for the moment since your plugin was the only one I fancied – even with the page reload. ??

    I sincerely hope your new job keeps you busy in a good way. WP is just a hobby for me too. ??

    Plugin Author valentinas


    Thanks, guys. While i still have no time to maintain it, I think that Instinct (company behind wp-e-commerce) will be doing that. So fingers crossed. And again – if anyone wants to be a commiter just let me know.

    Hi Valentinas

    If you have any time at all —

    Now I’ve just removed any action from the if (response.session) statement. The page doesn’t refresh when a user connects to Facebook from a different window (which is rare) but at least I don’t get multiple page reloads. If you have a WP login on your page, WP handles the page refreshing. I understand this is not a perfect solution though

    Also, if you look at some big sites like tv.com which has the 1-click fb connect thing, they use special functions in the footer, which handle all cases. Looks like:

    FB.Event.subscribe(‘auth.sessionChange’, function(response) {
    if (response.session) {
    } else {

    Hope this helps

    Switched to Social Connect.

    Yes thanks for your reply — I see there’s a way to place the Social Connect buttons wherever you want in your site, that’s good.

    …and with minimal fuss, it’s possible to replace the default square buttons by more “official” looking ones. S’what I did: https://elricoshow.com/elricoshow/download/.

    So there you go, three in one! (or more)

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