• Plugin Contributor Matt Kelly (Facebook)


    We’ve just uploaded 1.0.2.

    We’ve been watching the support forums closely and we fixed what we think are most of the largest issue folks are encountering (slow site speed, conflicts with other Facebook plugins, etc). The full list is below.

    As usual, please don’t hesitate to give us feedback–positive or negative. We appreciate it! Let’s make this plugin awesome, together.

    Please do not post issues in this thread. Instead, create a new thread so that we can track issues separately. Thanks and enjoy!

    * Fixed issue where some sites were extremely slow as a result of installing the plugin (due to cURL not being installed).
    * Added warning and actively disable portions of the plugin if SSL not installed.
    * Fixed bug in social publishing.
    * Added logic to disable meta boxes/publishing if social publishing is disabled.
    * Fixed forever loading issue on FB settings page if no active user exists.
    * Added proper escaping.
    * Added global settings to set whether social plugins show on all posts, all pages, both, or neither. Done for like button, subscribe button, send button, comments, and recommendations bar.
    * Added per-post/page settings for showing/hiding social plugins.
    * Fixed poorly formatted description that was being set when publishing to friends’ and Pages’ feeds.
    * Added notification if plugins that are potentially conflicting are installed.
    * Added suggestions for what to enter in fields in the new user experience.
    * Bug fixes to ensure everything works on mobile (including support for WPTouch).
    * Bug fixes to Pages drop down on the Facebook settings page.
    * Removed the need to create PHP sessions, relying on user meta/transients now.


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  • edit
    wrong impulsive post from me:-)

    The plugin still isn’t working very well.

    As I have a multi user blog I want to have all authors be able to save their own access_tokens to their own facebook pages. Currently that get’s disabled each time a new author logs in.

    Also I can’t seem to mention people or pages. The error messages am getting are :

    [My facebook page]
    Failed posting to I Heart My Yogi’s Timeline. Error: {“message”:”(#100) caption parameter cannot be longer than 1000 characters.”,”type”:”OAuthException”}

    Failed posting to mentioned friend’s Facebook Timeline. Error: {“message”:”(#100) caption parameter cannot be longer than 1000 characters.”,”type”:”OAuthException”}

    And when the text is under 1000 characters it posts fine but the caption of the post has HTML as part of it and looks rubbish. I thought even this would have been fixed in the last update, but it appears it hasn’t. This has the potential to be an amazing plugin as you probably know the Facebook APIs inside and out!! I’d even pay if you got it working how it should (individual access tokens for different users in a multi user blog would be top!)

    And when the text is under 1000 characters it posts fine but the caption of the post has HTML as part of it and looks rubbish

    Same here. really odd. Before, there was no text, now, it alway begin with a <p>…

    A “preserva??o de espécies” nas esculturas botanicas de Nic Bladen

    a autopost title to facebook page

    Plugin Contributor Matt Kelly (Facebook)


    @colinwiseman, @lz Stealth, can you please create new threads for you feedback, so that we can track it separately? Thanks

    @fredgorski HTML markup in the caption should be fixed in the next version.



    Plugin posts HTML code to the Facebook timeline. I noticed <p> within the description.

    I fixed the “html in the excerpt and the post” issue (solution here), but couldn’t fix the “convert hyphens to #&8211; in the post title” thing.

    And, is there a way to be able to mention pages at “Facebook Status in my Timeline” message?

    And also, to be able to set the privacy of the post? This could be solved, if we could set the privacy after posting, as it is possible with personal accounts.

    Plugin Contributor Matt Kelly (Facebook)


    Thanks @agig112! Would you mind contributing the code to https://github.com/facebook/wordpress?

    There seems to be a problem with the facebook plugin. A number of users had their facebook plugin content disappear out of the blue. I am one of them. I’m currently on wordpress version 3.4.2.

    Happened to me too. Comment section disappeared, which means now no comments, since fb plugin disabled wordpress comments (genious!). Also, no like button, no recommend button. All that is shown is “view all x comments” and fb feature that are implemented directly from fb (like the fan page badge). Developpers would be very nice and much more honest if they advised us they are discontinuing it. But I really think I will discontinue this plugin myself.

    All of the features of the plugin totally disappeared on mine. Nothing is left. A viewer would never know there was any facebook content on the site. I tried deleting and reinstalling and deleting the app and creating another on to link to. Nothing. This is seriously nerve-racking.

    FACEBOOK DEV WHEN CAN WE EXPECT A FIX??????? Answer and maybe we will shutup.



    like button and subscribe buttons aren’t appearing on my post. I’ve allowed them from plug-in settings as well as from post settings. Still, nothings appears on post. Comments button appears. but like, send and subscribe buttons are showing on posts..
    I generally post with HTML included in it.
    can anyone tell me the solution?

    All our comments have now disappeared! What do we do? :O:O

    All our comments have now disappeared! What do we do? :O:O

    wait for an update like we all do?!:-)

    Plugin Contributor Matt Kelly (Facebook)


    Hey folks, please report bugs as separate threads so that we can track them individually. Thanks

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